#@UGENE_WORKFLOW #Create alignment with T-Coffee. T-Coffee is a collection of tools for computing, evaluating and manipulating multiple alignments of DNA, RNA, Protein Sequences. Must have an installed T-Coffee package. workflow align-tcoffee{ tcoffee { type:tcoffee; name:"Align with T-Coffee"; } read-msa { type:read-msa; name:"Read alignment"; url-in { dataset:"Dataset 1"; } } write-msa { type:write-msa; name:"Write alignment"; } .actor-bindings { tcoffee.out-msa->write-msa.in-msa read-msa.out-msa->tcoffee.in-msa } read-msa.msa->tcoffee.in-msa.msa tcoffee.msa->write-msa.in-msa.msa .meta { parameter-aliases { tcoffee.gap-ext-penalty { alias:gap-ext-penalty; description:"Gap Extension Penalty. Positive values give rewards to gaps and prevent the alignment of unrelated segments (using '0' by default)"; } tcoffee.gap-open-penalty { alias:gap-open-penalty; description:"Gap Open Penalty. Must be negative, best matches get a score of 1000 (using '-50' by default)"; } tcoffee.iterations-max-num { alias:iter-max; description:"Number of iteration on the progressive alignment: 0 - no iteration (default), -1 - Nseq iterations (using '0' by default)"; } tcoffee.path { alias:toolpath; description:"T-Coffee location (using the path specified in UGENE by default)"; } tcoffee.temp-dir { alias:tmpdir; description:"Directory to store temporary files (using UGENE temporary directory by default)"; } read-msa.url-in { alias:in; description:"Input alignment"; } write-msa.document-format { alias:format; description:"Document format of output alignment (using 'clustal' by default)"; } write-msa.url-out { alias:out; description:"Output alignment"; } } visual { read-msa { pos:"-795 -600"; style:ext; bg-color-ext:"0 128 128 64"; bounds:"-30 -30 75 102"; out-msa.angle:360; } tcoffee { pos:"-585 -600"; style:ext; bg-color-ext:"0 128 128 64"; bounds:"-30 -30 150 104"; in-msa.angle:180; out-msa.angle:360; } write-msa { pos:"-300 -600"; style:ext; bg-color-ext:"0 128 128 64"; in-msa.angle:180; } read-msa.out-msa->tcoffee.in-msa { text-pos:"-45 -56"; } tcoffee.out-msa->write-msa.in-msa { text-pos:"-45 -56"; } } } }