#@UGENE_WORKFLOW #ChIP-seq analysis is started from MACS tool. CEAS then takes peak regions and signal wiggle file to check which chromosome is enriched with binding/modification sites, whether bindings events are significant at gene features like promoters, gene bodies, exons, introns or UTRs, and the signal aggregation at gene transcription start/end sites or meta-gene bodies (average all genes). Then peaks are investigated in these ways: 1. to check which genes are nearby so can be regarded as potential regulated genes, then perform GO analysis; 2. to check the conservation scores at the binding sites;3 the DNA motifs at binding sites. workflow "ChIP-Seq analysis with Cistrome tools" { .meta { wizard { help-page-id:16122719; auto-run: true; has-run-button: false; has-defaults-button: false; name: "Configure Cistrome Workflow"; finish-label: "Setup"; result { NGS/cistrome/chip_seq.uwl: pipeline.no-control; NGS/cistrome/chip_seq_with_control.uwl: pipeline.control; } page { id: 1; title: "General settings"; parameters-area { group { title:"Analysis type"; radio { id: pipeline; value { id: no-control; label: "Only treatment tags"; } value { id: control; label: "Treatment and control"; } } } group { title:"Cistrome internal data"; settings-widget { id: CISTROME_DATA_DIR; type: url; label: "Cistrome data directory"; } } } } } } }