#@UGENE_WORKFLOW workflow "De novo assembly with SPAdes" { .meta { wizard { auto-run: true; has-run-button: false; has-defaults-button: false; name: "Configure De Novo Assembly Workflow"; finish-label: "Setup"; result { NGS/ngs_assembly_illumina_pe.uwl: "sample_workflow.illumina_pe"; NGS/ngs_assembly_illumina_se.uwl: "sample_workflow.illumina_se"; NGS/ngs_assembly_illumina_pe_nanopore.uwl: "sample_workflow.illumina_pe_nanopore"; } page { id: 1; title: "De novo assembly with SPAdes" parameters-area { label { text:"In general, SPAdes needs at least one library of the following types:Additionally, one can provide PacBio CLR, Oxford Nanopore, Sanger reads or contigs."; background-color:"rgb(225,225,225)"; } group { title:"Use a sample workflows or create a custom one from it" radio { id: sample_workflow value { id: illumina_pe; label: "Illumina PE reads"; tooltip:"Improve Illumina paired-end reads quality with Trimmomatic, assemble them with SPAdes."; } value { id: illumina_se; label: "Illumina SE reads"; tooltip:"Improve Illumina unpaired (single-end) reads quality with Trimmomatic, assemble them with SPAdes."; } value { id: illumina_pe_nanopore; label: "Illumina PE and Nanopore reads" tooltip:"Assemble de novo Illumina paired-end and Oxford Nanopore reads."; } } } } } } } }