#@UGENE_WORKFLOW #The workflow takes FASTQ files with metagenomic NGS reads as input and process them as follows: # * Improve reads quality with Trimmomatic # * Provide FastQC reads quality reports # * De novo assembly: # - Assemble the reads into scaffolds with SPAdes. # * Classification: # - Classify the assembled scaffolds with Kraken. # * Provide general classification report workflow "De novo assembly and contigs classification" { .meta { wizard { auto-run: true; has-run-button: false; has-defaults-button: false; name: "Configure De Novo Assembly and Classification"; finish-label: "Setup"; result { NGS/ngs_classification/ngs_classification_de_novo/ngs_classification_de_novo_single.uwl: pipeline.single; NGS/ngs_classification/ngs_classification_de_novo/ngs_classification_de_novo_paired.uwl: pipeline.paired; } page { id: 1; title: "General settings"; parameters-area { group { title:"Sequencing reads"; radio { id: pipeline; value { id: single; label: "Single-end"; } value { id: paired; label: "Paired-end"; } } } } } } } }