# Time-stamp: <2011-02-14 15:49:14 Tao Liu> """Module Description Copyright (c) 2008,2009,2010,2011 Hyunjin Shin, Tao Liu This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the BSD License (see the file COPYING included with the distribution). @status: experimental @version: $Revision$ @author: Hyunjin Gene Shin, Tao Liu @contact: taoliu@jimmy.harvard.edu """ # ------------------------------------ # python modules # ------------------------------------ from math import exp from math import log # ------------------------------------ # constants # ------------------------------------ LSTEP = 200 EXPTHRES = exp(LSTEP) EXPSTEP = exp(-LSTEP) # ------------------------------------ # Misc functions # ------------------------------------ import math def normal_01_cdf ( x ): """NORMAL_01_CDF evaluates the Normal 01 CDF. """ a1 = 0.398942280444 a2 = 0.399903438504 a3 = 5.75885480458 a4 = 29.8213557808 a5 = 2.62433121679 a6 = 48.6959930692 a7 = 5.92885724438 b0 = 0.398942280385 b1 = 3.8052E-08 b2 = 1.00000615302 b3 = 3.98064794E-04 b4 = 1.98615381364 b5 = 0.151679116635 b6 = 5.29330324926 b7 = 4.8385912808 b8 = 15.1508972451 b9 = 0.742380924027 b10 = 30.789933034 b11 = 3.99019417011 if abs ( x ) <= 1.28: y = 0.5 * x * x q = 0.5 - abs ( x ) * ( a1 - a2 * y / ( y + a3 - a4 / ( y + a5 + a6 / ( y + a7 ) ) ) ) elif abs ( x ) <= 12.7: y = 0.5 * x * x q = exp ( - y ) * b0 / ( abs ( x ) - b1 \ + b2 / ( abs ( x ) + b3 \ + b4 / ( abs ( x ) - b5 \ + b6 / ( abs ( x ) + b7 \ - b8 / ( abs ( x ) + b9 \ + b10 / ( abs ( x ) + b11 ) ) ) ) ) ) else : q = 0.0 # # Take account of negative X. # if x < 0.0: cdf = q else: cdf = 1.0 - q return cdf def normal_cdf_inv(p, mu = None, sigma2 = None, lower=True): upper = not lower if p < 0 or p > 1: raise Exception("Illegal argument %f for qnorm(p)." % p) split = 0.42 a0 = 2.50662823884 a1 = -18.61500062529 a2 = 41.39119773534 a3 = -25.44106049637 b1 = -8.47351093090 b2 = 23.08336743743 b3 = -21.06224101826 b4 = 3.13082909833 c0 = -2.78718931138 c1 = -2.29796479134 c2 = 4.85014127135 c3 = 2.32121276858 d1 = 3.54388924762 d2 = 1.63706781897 q = p - 0.5 r = 0.0 ppnd = 0.0 if abs(q) <= split: r = q * q ppnd = q * (((a3 * r + a2) * r + a1) * r + a0) / ((((b4 * r + b3) * r + b2) * r + b1) * r + 1) else: r = p if q > 0: r = 1 - p if r > 0: r = math.sqrt(- math.log(r)) ppnd = (((c3 * r + c2) * r + c1) * r + c0) / ((d2 * r + d1) * r + 1) if q < 0: ppnd = - ppnd else: ppnd = 0 if upper: ppnd = - ppnd if mu != None and sigma2 != None: return ppnd * math.sqrt(sigma2) + mu else: return ppnd def normal_cdf (z, mu = 0.0, sigma2 = 1.0, lower=True): upper = not lower z = (z - mu) / math.sqrt(sigma2) ltone = 7.0 utzero = 18.66 con = 1.28 a1 = 0.398942280444 a2 = 0.399903438504 a3 = 5.75885480458 a4 = 29.8213557808 a5 = 2.62433121679 a6 = 48.6959930692 a7 = 5.92885724438 b1 = 0.398942280385 b2 = 3.8052e-8 b3 = 1.00000615302 b4 = 3.98064794e-4 b5 = 1.986153813664 b6 = 0.151679116635 b7 = 5.29330324926 b8 = 4.8385912808 b9 = 15.1508972451 b10 = 0.742380924027 b11 = 30.789933034 b12 = 3.99019417011 y = 0.0 alnorm = 0.0 if z < 0: upper = not upper z = - z if z <= ltone or upper and z <= utzero: y = 0.5 * z * z if z > con: alnorm = b1 * math.exp(- y) / (z - b2 + b3 / (z + b4 + b5 / (z - b6 + b7 / (z + b8 - b9 / (z + b10 + b11 / (z + b12)))))) else: alnorm = 0.5 - z * (a1 - a2 * y / (y + a3 - a4 / (y + a5 + a6 / (y + a7)))) else: alnorm = 0.0 if not upper: alnorm = 1.0 - alnorm return alnorm def poisson_cdf (n, lam,lower=True): """Poisson CDF evaluater. This is a more stable CDF function. It can tolerate large lambda value. While the lambda is larger than 700, the function will be a little slower. Parameters: n : your observation lam : lambda of poisson distribution lower : if lower is False, calculate the upper tail CDF """ k = int(n) if lam <= 0.0: raise Exception("Lambda must > 0") if lower: if lam > 700: return __poisson_cdf_large_lambda (k, lam) else: return __poisson_cdf(k,lam) else: if lam > 700: return __poisson_cdf_Q_large_lambda (k, lam) else: return __poisson_cdf_Q(k,lam) def __poisson_cdf (k,a): """Poisson CDF For small lambda. If a > 745, this will return incorrect result. """ if k < 0: return 0 # special cases next = exp( -a ) cdf = next for i in xrange(1,k+1): last = next next = last * a / i cdf = cdf + next if cdf > 1: return 1 else: return cdf def __poisson_cdf_large_lambda ( k,a ): """Slower poisson cdf for large lambda. """ if k < 0: return 0 # special cases num_parts = int(a/LSTEP) last_part = a % LSTEP lastexp = exp(-last_part) next = EXPSTEP num_parts -= 1 cdf = next for i in xrange(1,k+1): last = next next = last * a / i cdf = cdf + next if next > EXPTHRES or cdf > EXPTHRES: if num_parts>=1: cdf *= EXPSTEP next *= EXPSTEP num_parts -= 1 else: cdf *= lastexp lastexp = 1 for i in xrange(num_parts): cdf *= EXPSTEP cdf *= lastexp return cdf def __poisson_cdf_Q (k,a): """internal Poisson CDF evaluater for upper tail with small lambda. """ if k < 0: return 1 # special cases next = exp( -a ) for i in xrange(1,k+1): last = next next = last * a / i cdf = 0 i = k+1 while next >0: last = next next = last * a / i cdf += next i+=1 return cdf def __poisson_cdf_Q_large_lambda (k,a): """Slower internal Poisson CDF evaluater for upper tail with large lambda. """ if k < 0: return 1 # special cases num_parts = int(a/LSTEP) last_part = a % LSTEP lastexp = exp(-last_part) next = EXPSTEP num_parts -= 1 for i in xrange(1,k+1): last = next next = last * a / i if next > EXPTHRES: if num_parts>=1: next *= EXPSTEP num_parts -= 1 else: cdf *= lastexp lastexp = 1 cdf = 0 i = k+1 while next >0: last = next next = last * a / i cdf += next i+=1 if next > EXPTHRES or cdf > EXPTHRES: if num_parts>=1: cdf *= EXPSTEP next *= EXPSTEP num_parts -= 1 else: cdf *= lastexp lastexp = 1 for i in xrange(num_parts): cdf *= EXPSTEP cdf *= lastexp return cdf def poisson_cdf_inv ( cdf, lam, maximum=1000): """inverse poisson distribution. cdf : the CDF lam : the lambda of poisson distribution note: maxmimum return value is 1000 and lambda must be smaller than 740. """ assert lam < 740 if cdf < 0 or cdf > 1: raise Exception ("CDF must >= 0 and <= 1") elif cdf == 0: return 0 sum2 = 0 newval = exp( -lam ) sum2 = newval # if cdf <= sum2: # return i for i in xrange(1,maximum+1): sumold = sum2 # if i == 0: # newval = exp( -a ) # if newval==0: # newval = 4.9406564584124654e-324 # sum2 = newval # else: last = newval newval = last * lam / i sum2 = sum2 + newval if sumold <= cdf and cdf <= sum2: return i return maximum def poisson_cdf_Q_inv ( cdf, lam, maximum=1000): """inverse poisson distribution. cdf : the CDF lam : the lambda of poisson distribution note: maxmimum return value is 1000 and lambda must be smaller than 740. """ assert lam < 740 if cdf < 0 or cdf > 1: raise Exception ("CDF must >= 0 and <= 1") elif cdf == 0: return 0 sum2 = 0 newval = exp( -lam ) sum2 = newval for i in xrange(1,maximum+1): sumold = sum2 last = newval newval = last * lam / i sum2 = sum2 + newval if sumold <= cdf and cdf <= sum2: return i return maximum def poisson_pdf ( k, a ): """Poisson PDF. PDF(K,A) is the probability that the number of events observed in a unit time period will be K, given the expected number of events in a unit time. """ if a <= 0: return 0 return exp(-a) * pow (a, k) / factorial (k) def binomial_coef (n,k): """BINOMIAL_COEF computes the Binomial coefficient C(N,K) n,k are integers. """ mn = min (k, n-k) if mn < 0: return 0 elif mn == 0: return 1 else: mx = max(k,n-k) cnk = float(mx+1) for i in xrange(2,mn+1): cnk = cnk * (mx+i) / i return cnk def binomial_cdf (x, a, b, lower=True): """ BINOMIAL_CDF compute the binomial CDF. CDF(x)(A,B) is the probability of at most X successes in A trials, given that the probability of success on a single trial is B. """ if lower: return _binomial_cdf_f (x,a,b) else: return _binomial_cdf_r (x,a,b) def _binomial_cdf_r (x,a,b): if x < 0: return 1 elif a < x: return 0 elif b == 0: return 0 elif b == 1: return 1 else: argmax=int(a*b) if xargmax: seedpdf=binomial_pdf(argmax,a,b) pdf=seedpdf cdf = pdf for i in xrange(argmax-1,-1,-1): pdf/=(a-i)*b/(1-b)/(i+1) if pdf==0.0: break cdf += pdf pdf = seedpdf for i in xrange(argmax,x): pdf*=(a-i)*b/(1-b)/(i+1) if pdf==0.0: break cdf+=pdf cdf=min(1,cdf) cdf = float("%.10e" %cdf) return cdf else: pdf=binomial_pdf(x,a,b) cdf = pdf for i in xrange(x-1,-1,-1): pdf/=(a-i)*b/(1-b)/(i+1) if pdf==0.0: break cdf += pdf cdf=min(1,cdf) cdf = float("%.10e" %cdf) return cdf def binomial_cdf_inv ( cdf, a, b ): """BINOMIAL_CDF_INV inverts the binomial CDF. """ if cdf < 0 or cdf >1: raise Exception("CDF must >= 0 or <= 1") cdf2 = 0 a = int(a) for x in xrange(0,a+1): pdf = binomial_pdf (x,a,b) cdf2 = cdf2 + pdf if cdf < cdf2: return x return x def binomial_pdf( x, a, b): """binomial PDF by H. Gene Shin """ if a<1: return 0 elif x<0 or aa-x: p=1-b mn=a-x mx=x else: p=b mn=x mx=a-x pdf=1 t = 0 for q in xrange(1,mn+1): pdf*=(a-q+1)*p/(mn-q+1) if pdf < 1e-100: while pdf < 1e-3: pdf /= 1-p t-=1 if pdf > 1e+100: while pdf > 1e+3 and t