from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import sys from collections import defaultdict from cutadapt import align, colorspace from cutadapt.seqio import ColorspaceSequence, FastaReader # Constants for the find_best_alignment function. # The function is called with SEQ1 as the adapter, SEQ2 as the read. BACK = align.START_WITHIN_SEQ2 | align.STOP_WITHIN_SEQ2 | align.STOP_WITHIN_SEQ1 FRONT = align.START_WITHIN_SEQ2 | align.STOP_WITHIN_SEQ2 | align.START_WITHIN_SEQ1 PREFIX = align.STOP_WITHIN_SEQ2 SUFFIX = align.START_WITHIN_SEQ2 ANYWHERE = align.SEMIGLOBAL def parse_adapter_name(seq): """ Parse an adapter given as 'name=adapt' into 'name' and 'adapt'. """ fields = seq.split('=', 1) if len(fields) > 1: name, seq = fields name = name.strip() else: name = None seq = seq.strip() return name, seq def parse_adapter(sequence, where): """ Recognize anchored adapter sequences and return a corrected tuple (sequence, where). """ if where == FRONT and sequence.startswith('^'): return (sequence[1:], PREFIX) if where == BACK and sequence.endswith('$'): return (sequence[:-1], SUFFIX) return (sequence, where) def gather_adapters(back, anywhere, front): """ Yield (name, seq, where) tuples from which Adapter instances can be built. This generator deals with the notation for anchored 5' adapters and also understands the ``file:`` syntax for reading adapters from an external FASTA file. """ for adapter_list, where in ((back, BACK), (anywhere, ANYWHERE), (front, FRONT)): for seq in adapter_list: if seq.startswith('file:'): # read adapter sequences from a file path = seq[5:] with FastaReader(path) as fasta: for record in fasta: name =, 1)[0] seq, w = parse_adapter(record.sequence, where) yield (name, seq, w) else: name, seq = parse_adapter_name(seq) seq, w = parse_adapter(seq, where) yield (name, seq, w) class AdapterMatch(object): """ TODO creating instances of this class is relatively slow and responsible for quite some runtime. """ __slots__ = ['astart', 'astop', 'rstart', 'rstop', 'matches', 'errors', 'front', 'adapter', 'read', 'length'] def __init__(self, astart, astop, rstart, rstop, matches, errors, front, adapter, read): self.astart = astart self.astop = astop self.rstart = rstart self.rstop = rstop self.matches = matches self.errors = errors self.front = self._guess_is_front() if front is None else front self.adapter = adapter = read # Number of aligned characters in the adapter. If there are # indels, this may be different from the number of characters # in the read. self.length = self.astop - self.astart def __str__(self): return 'AdapterMatch(astart={}, astop={}, rstart={}, rstop={}, matches={}, errors={})'.format( self.astart, self.astop, self.rstart, self.rstop, self.matches, self.errors) def _guess_is_front(self): """ Return whether this is guessed to be a front adapter. The match is assumed to be a front adapter when the first base of the read is involved in the alignment to the adapter. """ return self.rstart == 0 def wildcards(self, wildcard_char='N'): """ Return a string that contains, for each wildcard character, the character that it matches. For example, if the adapter ATNGNA matches ATCGTA, then the string 'CT' is returned. If there are indels, this is not reliable as the full alignment is not available. """ wildcards = [[self.rstart + i:self.rstart + i + 1] for i in range(self.length) if self.adapter.sequence[self.astart + i] == wildcard_char and self.rstart + i < len( ] return ''.join(wildcards) def rest(self): """ Return the part of the read before this match if this is a 'front' (5') adapter, return the part after the match if this is not a 'front' adapter (3'). This can be an empty string. """ if self.front: return[:self.rstart] else: return[self.rstop:] class Adapter(object): """ An adapter knows how to match itself to a read. In particular, it knows where it should be within the read and how to interpret wildcard characters. where -- One of the BACK, FRONT, PREFIX, SUFFIX or ANYWHERE constants. This influences where the adapter is allowed to appear within in the read and also which part of the read is removed. sequence -- The adapter sequence as string. Will be converted to uppercase. Also, Us will be converted to Ts. max_error_rate -- Maximum allowed error rate. The error rate is the number of errors in the alignment divided by the length of the part of the alignment that matches the adapter. minimum_overlap -- Minimum length of the part of the alignment that matches the adapter. read_wildcards -- Whether IUPAC wildcards in the read are allowed. adapter_wildcards -- Whether IUPAC wildcards in the adapter are allowed. name -- optional name of the adapter. If not provided, the name is set to a unique number. """ automatic_name = 1 def __init__(self, sequence, where, max_error_rate, min_overlap=3, read_wildcards=False, adapter_wildcards=True, name=None, indels=True): if name is None: = str(self.__class__.automatic_name) self.__class__.automatic_name += 1 self.name_is_generated = True else: = name self.name_is_generated = False self.sequence = sequence.upper().replace('U', 'T') self.where = where self.max_error_rate = max_error_rate self.min_overlap = min_overlap self.indels = indels assert where in (PREFIX, SUFFIX) or self.indels self.wildcard_flags = 0 self.adapter_wildcards = adapter_wildcards and not set(self.sequence) <= set('ACGT') if read_wildcards: self.wildcard_flags |= align.ALLOW_WILDCARD_SEQ2 if self.adapter_wildcards: self.wildcard_flags |= align.ALLOW_WILDCARD_SEQ1 # redirect to appropriate trimmed() function depending on # adapter type trimmers = { FRONT: self._trimmed_front, PREFIX: self._trimmed_front, BACK: self._trimmed_back, SUFFIX: self._trimmed_back, ANYWHERE: self._trimmed_anywhere } self.trimmed = trimmers[where] if where == ANYWHERE: self._front_flag = None # means: guess else: self._front_flag = where not in (BACK, SUFFIX) # statistics about length of removed sequences self.lengths_front = defaultdict(int) self.lengths_back = defaultdict(int) self.errors_front = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(int)) self.errors_back = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(int)) self.adjacent_bases = { 'A': 0, 'C': 0, 'G': 0, 'T': 0, '': 0 } self.aligner = align.Aligner(self.sequence, self.max_error_rate, flags=self.where, degenerate=self.wildcard_flags, min_overlap=self.min_overlap) def __repr__(self): read_wildcards = bool(align.ALLOW_WILDCARD_SEQ2 & self.wildcard_flags) return ''.format( read_wildcards=read_wildcards, **vars(self)) def match_to(self, read): """ Try to match this adapter to the given read and return an AdapterMatch instance. Return None if the minimum overlap length is not met or the error rate is too high. """ read_seq = read.sequence.upper() pos = -1 # try to find an exact match first unless wildcards are allowed if not self.adapter_wildcards: if self.where == PREFIX: pos = 0 if read_seq.startswith(self.sequence) else -1 elif self.where == SUFFIX: pos = (len(read_seq) - len(self.sequence)) if read_seq.endswith(self.sequence) else -1 else: pos = read_seq.find(self.sequence) if pos >= 0: match = AdapterMatch( 0, len(self.sequence), pos, pos + len(self.sequence), len(self.sequence), 0, self._front_flag, self, read) else: # try approximate matching if not self.indels: assert self.where in (PREFIX, SUFFIX) if self.where == PREFIX: alignment = align.compare_prefixes(self.sequence, read_seq, self.wildcard_flags) else: alignment = align.compare_suffixes(self.sequence, read_seq, self.wildcard_flags) astart, astop, rstart, rstop, matches, errors = alignment if astop - astart >= self.min_overlap and errors / (astop - astart) <= self.max_error_rate: match = AdapterMatch(*(alignment + (self._front_flag, self, read))) else: match = None else: alignment = self.aligner.locate(read_seq) if alignment is None: match = None else: astart, astop, rstart, rstop, matches, errors = alignment match = AdapterMatch(astart, astop, rstart, rstop, matches, errors, self._front_flag, self, read) if match is None: return None assert match.length > 0 and match.errors / match.length <= self.max_error_rate, match assert match.length >= self.min_overlap return match def _trimmed_anywhere(self, match): """Return a trimmed read""" if match.front: return self._trimmed_front(match) else: return self._trimmed_back(match) def _trimmed_front(self, match): """Return a trimmed read""" # TODO move away self.lengths_front[match.rstop] += 1 self.errors_front[match.rstop][match.errors] += 1 return[match.rstop:] def _trimmed_back(self, match): """Return a trimmed read without the 3' (back) adapter""" # TODO move away self.lengths_back[len( - match.rstart] += 1 self.errors_back[len( - match.rstart][match.errors] += 1 adjacent_base =[match.rstart-1:match.rstart] if adjacent_base not in 'ACGT': adjacent_base = '' self.adjacent_bases[adjacent_base] += 1 return[:match.rstart] def __len__(self): return len(self.sequence) class ColorspaceAdapter(Adapter): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(ColorspaceAdapter, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) has_nucleotide_seq = False if set(self.sequence) <= set('ACGT'): # adapter was given in basespace self.nucleotide_sequence = self.sequence has_nucleotide_seq = True self.sequence = colorspace.encode(self.sequence)[1:] if self.where in (PREFIX, FRONT) and not has_nucleotide_seq: raise ValueError("A 5' colorspace adapter needs to be given in nucleotide space") self.aligner.reference = self.sequence def match_to(self, read): """Return AdapterMatch instance""" if self.where != PREFIX: return super(ColorspaceAdapter, self).match_to(read) # create artificial adapter that includes a first color that encodes the # transition from primer base into adapter asequence = colorspace.ENCODE[read.primer + self.nucleotide_sequence[0:1]] + self.sequence pos = 0 if read.sequence.startswith(asequence) else -1 if pos >= 0: match = AdapterMatch( 0, len(asequence), pos, pos + len(asequence), len(asequence), 0, self._front_flag, self, read) else: # try approximate matching self.aligner.reference = asequence alignment = self.aligner.locate(read.sequence) if alignment is not None: match = AdapterMatch(*(alignment + (self._front_flag, self, read))) else: match = None if match is None: return None assert match.length > 0 and match.errors / match.length <= self.max_error_rate assert match.length >= self.min_overlap return match def _trimmed_front(self, match): """Return a trimmed read""" read = self.lengths_front[match.rstop] += 1 self.errors_front[match.rstop][match.errors] += 1 # to remove a front adapter, we need to re-encode the first color following the adapter match color_after_adapter = read.sequence[match.rstop:match.rstop + 1] if not color_after_adapter: # the read is empty return read[match.rstop:] base_after_adapter = colorspace.DECODE[self.nucleotide_sequence[-1:] + color_after_adapter] new_first_color = colorspace.ENCODE[read.primer + base_after_adapter] read.sequence = new_first_color + read.sequence[(match.rstop + 1):] read.qualities = read.qualities[match.rstop:] if read.qualities else None return read def _trimmed_back(self, match): """Return a trimmed read""" # trim one more color if long enough adjusted_rstart = max(match.rstart - 1, 0) self.lengths_back[len( - adjusted_rstart] += 1 self.errors_back[len( - adjusted_rstart][match.errors] += 1 return[:adjusted_rstart] def __repr__(self): return ''.format(self.sequence, self.where)