#@UGENE_WORKFLOW #The workflow takes FASTQ files as input and process this data as follows: # - Filters the input sequencing reads by the CASAVA header (for Illumina platform). # - Cuts of adapter sequences. # - Trims the sequencing reads by quality. # - Merges different FASTQ files. # - [Optionally] Maps the sequencing reads by TopHat. You can skip this step, if after running this workflow you’re going to analyze the data with the Tuxedo workflow. # #The workflow also performs quality control of the data with FastQC: first, on the input FASTQ files and, second, after the pre-processing step. # #Besides intermediate files and FastQC reports, the final result of the workflow running is a merged FASTQ file. If mapping was selected, the output would also contain a BAM file with aligned reads and other TopHat output files. # workflow "Raw RNA-Seq data processing" { .meta { wizard { help-page-id:16122727; auto-run: true; has-run-button: false; has-defaults-button: false; name: "Configure Raw RNA-Seq Data Processing"; finish-label: "Setup"; result { NGS/raw_ngs/rnaseq/rnaseq_single.uwl: "tags.single topHatAlignment.with"; NGS/raw_ngs/rnaseq/rnaseq_paired.uwl: "tags.paired topHatAlignment.with"; NGS/raw_ngs/rnaseq/rnaseq_filtration_single.uwl: "tags.single topHatAlignment.without"; NGS/raw_ngs/rnaseq/rnaseq_filtration_paired.uwl: "tags.paired topHatAlignment.without"; } page { id: 1; title: "General settings"; parameters-area { group { title:"Analysis type"; radio { id: topHatAlignment; value { id: with; label: "Include mapping with TopHat"; } value { id: without; label: "Skip mapping"; } } } group { title: "Sequencing reads"; radio { id: tags; value { id: single; label: "Single-end"; } value { id: paired; label: "Paired-end"; } } } } } } } }