#@UGENE_WORKFLOW #The workflow does the following things: #1) Reads a set of Sanger sequencing reads from ABI files. #2) Trims ends of the reads by the quality value. #3) Filter the short trimmed reads. #4) Aligns the filtered trimmed reads to a reference sequence. # #You can change the workflow parameters: #1) Quality threshold for the trimming. #2) Minimum read length. If length of a trimmed read is less than the minimum value than the read is filtered. # #The output data are: #1) Multiple sequence alignment file. The first sequence of the alignment is the reference and other ones are the reads. #2) Annotated reference sequence file. The annotations are the aligned reads. include "Read one sequence.usa" as "Script-Read one sequence" workflow "Trim and map Sanger reads"{ SequenceQualityTrim { type:SequenceQualityTrim; name:"Sequence Quality Trimmer"; both-ends:true; } read-sequence { type:read-sequence; name:"Read Sequence"; url-in { dataset:"Dataset 1"; } } align-to-reference { type:align-to-reference; name:"Map to Reference"; result-url:alignment.ugenedb; } .actor-bindings { SequenceQualityTrim.out-sequence->align-to-reference.in-sequence read-sequence.out-sequence->SequenceQualityTrim.in-sequence } read-sequence.sequence->SequenceQualityTrim.in-sequence.sequence SequenceQualityTrim.sequence->align-to-reference.in-sequence.sequence .meta { parameter-aliases { SequenceQualityTrim.len-id { alias:min-length; } SequenceQualityTrim.qual-id { alias:threshold; } read-sequence.url-in { alias:reads; } align-to-reference.reference { alias:reference; } align-to-reference.result-url { alias:result-url; } } visual { SequenceQualityTrim { pos:"-720 -570"; style:ext; bg-color-ext:"0 128 128 64"; in-sequence.angle:180; out-sequence.angle:360; } align-to-reference { pos:"-420 -555"; style:ext; bg-color-ext:"0 128 128 64"; in-sequence.angle:180; out.angle:360; } read-sequence { pos:"-975 -555"; style:ext; bg-color-ext:"0 128 128 64"; out-sequence.angle:360; } SequenceQualityTrim.out-sequence->align-to-reference.in-sequence { text-pos:"-45 -43"; } read-sequence.out-sequence->SequenceQualityTrim.in-sequence { text-pos:"-33.8281 -27"; } } wizard { help-page-id:65930523; auto-run: true; name:"Map Sanger Reads to Reference"; page { id:1; next:2; title:"Reference Sequence"; parameters-area { group { title:"Input file"; label-size:120; align-to-reference.reference { label:"Reference"; } } } } page { id:2; next:3; title:"Input Sanger Reads (ABI Files)"; parameters-area { read-sequence.url-in { type:datasets; } } } page { id:3; next:4; title:"Mapping Settings"; parameters-area { group { title:"Settings"; label-size:220; SequenceQualityTrim.qual-id { } align-to-reference.identity { } align-to-reference.row-naming-policy { } } } } page { id:4; title:"Results"; parameters-area { group { title:"Output files"; label-size:120; align-to-reference.result-url { label:"Mapped reads file"; } } } } } } }