Publications on Leptiminus



Ben Lazreg, N. and D.J. Mattingly (eds.). 1992. Leptiminus (Lamta): A Roman Port City in Tunisia, Report no. 1 (Journal of Roman Archaeology supplement 4 = Leptiminus 1). Ann Arbor MI.

Stirling, L. M., D. J. Mattingly and N. Ben Lazreg (eds).  Leptiminus (Lamta): A Roman Port City in Tunisia.  Report 2: The East Baths, Cemeteries, Kilns, Venus Mosaic, Site Museum, and Other Studies (Journal of Roman Archaeology supplement 41; = Leptiminus 2) Portsmouth RI.  



Aounallah, Samir, Zeneb Benzina Ben Abdallah, Frdric Hurlet. 2006. Inscriptions latines du Muse de Sousse, I. Lamta, Lepti(s) Minus.Af Rom 16, pp. 1871-1894.

Aounallah, Samir, Zeneb Benzina Ben Abdallah, Frdric Hurlet. 2007. Inscriptions latines du Muse de Sousse: Lamta, Lepti(s) Minus. Africa 21: 151-66.

Bejaoui, F. 2002. Le sarcophage de Lemta, in Akten des symposiums Frhchristliche Sarkophage, Marburg, 30.6-4.7 1999. Mainz, pp. 13-18.

Ben Lazreg, N. 2002. Roman and Early Christian burial complex at Leptiminus: first notice. JRA 15: 336-45.

Ben Lazreg, N., S. Stevens, L. Stirling, and J. P. Moore. 2006. Roman and Early Christian Burial Complex at Leptiminus (Lamta): second notice.  JRA 19: 347-368.

Beschaouch, A. 1991. Colonia ULPIA Lepti Minus. Africa Romana 8: 107-116.

Beschaouch, A. 1991. Colonia Ulpia Lepti Minus in Africa Romana 8.1 (1991) 107-116.

Carr, K. 2007. Late Roman Coarse Wares and Cooking Wares from the rural survey at Leptiminus, Tunisia. In LRCW 2: Late Roman coarse wares, cooking wares and amphorae in the Mediterranean: archaeology and archaeometry, BAR Int. 1662. edited by M. Bonifay and J.-C. Trglia. Oxford: Archaeopress. 597-602.

Christol, Michel. 2008. La procuratelle du patrimoine de Lepti Minus. Africa Romana 17: 2037-2080.

De Smet, J.-J. Fouilles de spultures puniques Lemta. BAC 1913, 327-342.

Foucher, Louis. 1967. Sur une fouille de Bou Hadjar. Cahiers de Tunisie nos. 57-60: 135-46. 

Fulford, M. 1994. Review of Leptiminus 1. JRS 84: 252-53.

Gascou, Jacques. 1972. Lepti Minus, colonie de Trajan? AntAfr 6: 137-144.

Hannzo, G., L. Molins, and Lieut. Montagnon. Notes archologiques sur Lemta (Leptiminus), Tunisie. BCTH 1897: 290-312.

Keenleyside, A. H. Schwarcz, L. Stirling, and N. Ben Lazreg. 2009. A. Keenleyside, H. Schwarcz, L. Stirling, and N. Ben Lazreg. Stable Isotopic Evidence for Diet in a Roman and Late Roman Population from Leptiminus, Tunisia. Journal of Archaeological Science 56: 51-63.

Leptiminus I = N. Ben Lazreg and D. J. Mattingly, eds. 1992. Leptiminus (Lamta): a Roman port city in Tunisia, report no. 1, JRA Supplement 4, Ann Arbor.

Leptiminus II = L. M. Stirling, D. J. Mattingly, and N. Ben Lazreg, eds. 2001. Leptiminus (Lamta): a Roman port city in Tunisia, report no. 2: the East Baths, cemeteries, kilns, Venus mosaic, site Museum, and other studies, JRA Supplement 42, Portsmouth, RI.

Mattingly, D.J., D.L. Stone, L.M. Stirling, N. Ben Lazreg.  2000. Leptiminus (Tunisia): a producer city? In Economies beyond agriculture in the Classical world. Ed. D.J. Mattingly and J. Salmon. London: 66-89.

Opait, A. 1998. The north African Dressel 1. In El vi a lantiguitat: Economia, producci I commer al Mediterrani occidental. Actes del II colloqui international darqueologia romana (Badalone, 6-9 mai 198) (Mongrafies Badalonines 14). Badalone, Museu de Badalona, pp. 427-429.

Opait, A. 2000. Early Roman amphorae from Leptiminus. Rei Cretariae Romanae Fautores 36: 439-442.

Sherriff, B.L., C. McCammon, and L. Stirling. 2002.A Mssbauer study of the colour of Roman pottery from the Leptiminus archaeological site, Tunisia. Geoarchaeology 17.8: 863-74.

Sherriff, B.L., P. Court, S. Johnston, and L. Stirling. 2002. The source of raw materials for Roman pottery from Leptiminus, Tunisia. Geoarchaeology 17.8: 835-61.

Smith, W. 1999. Fuel for thought : archaeobotanical evidence for the use of alternatives to wood fuel in late Antique North Africa. JMA 11: 191-205.

Stirling, L.M. and N. Ben Lazreg. 1999. Roman kilns and pottery production at Leptiminus, Tunisia: results of excavation in 1995-1998. Papers of the 15th International Congress in Classical Archaeology. Amsterdam: 402-404.

Stirling, L.M. and N. Ben Lazreg. 2001. A Roman kiln complex (Site 290): preliminary results of excavation, in Leptiminus 2, 219-235.

Stirling, L. M., D. L. Stone, N. Ben Lazreg, A. Burke, K. Carr, R. J. Cook, J. Dore, A. Giambrone, S. Jezik, S. Johnston, B. Longfellow, B. Meiklejohn, C. Meiklejohn, J. Moore, A. Opait, H. Park, I. Schrfer-Kolb, B. L. Sherriff, D. Welle. 2000. Interim report on the Leptiminus Archaeological Project (LAP): results of the 1999 season. Echoes du Monde Classique 64, n.s. 19: 179-224.

Stone, D.L., L.M. Stirling, and N. Ben Lazreg.  1998. Suburban land-use and ceramic production around Leptiminus: interim report.  Journal of Roman Archaeology 11: 304-17.


Discussions touching on specific topics for Leptiminus

Alexandridis, A. 2004. Die Frauen des rmischen Kaiserhauses: eine Untersuchung ihrer bildlichen Darstellung von Livia bis Iulia Domna. Mainz am Rhein: Verlag Philipp von Zabern. (p. 240 for statue of Large Herculaneum woman in Lamta Museum)

Alexandropoulos, Jacques. 1987. Liconographie montaire en Afrique proconsulaire sous Auguste et Tibre. Karthago 21: 65-79. (re coins)

Alexandropoulos, Jacques. 2000. Les monnaies de lAfrique antique, 400 av. J.-C. - 40 ap. J.-C. Toulouse: Presses Universitaires du Mirail. (re. coins)

Alexandropoulos, Jacques. 2002-2003. Lusage du Grec en Afrique du Nord daprs les documents montaires (IIIe s. av. J.-C.- 1er s. ap. J.-C.). AntAfr 38-39: 289-96. (coinage)

Bonifay, Michel. 2004. Etudes sur la cramique romaine tardive dAfrique (BAR S1301). Oxford: Archaeopress.

Ferchiou, Naid. 1983. Un atelier itinrant de marbriers le long des ctes de Proconsulaire. AntAfr 19: 75-84.

Ferchiou, Naid. 2002-2003. Recherches sur liconographie funraire dAfrique Proconsulaire: reprsentations de jeunes gens debout auprs dun cheval. AntAfr 38-39: 97-108. (p. 103-4 for sarcophagus of Secundinus).

Ghedini, Francesca and Marta Novello. 2005. Mare realistico e mare mitologico nella produzione musiva dellAfrica Proconsulare: alcuni esempi. In Aequora, pontos, jam, mare...: Mare uomini e merci nel Mediterraneo antico. Atti del Convegno Internazionale Genova, 9-10 dicembre 2004. edited by Bianca Maria Giannattasio, Cristina Canepa, Luisa Grasso, Eliana Piccardi. Florence: AllInsegna del Giglio. pp. 182-194 (illustrates mosaic of Venus)

Grant, Michael. 1969. From Imperium to Auctoritas: A Historical Study of Aes Coinage in the Roman Empire 49 B.C. -- A.D. 14. Cambridge. (pp. 338-339)

Grassigli, Gian Luca. 2006. Belle come dee: limmagine della donna nella domus tardoantica. In Limage antique et son interpretation, ed. Franoise-Hlne  Massa Pairault. Rome EFR 300-339. (illustrates the mosaic of Venus)

Moore, Jennifer P. 2008. Common pottery traditions of Tripolitania and Byzacena. Africa Romana 17: 2275-2286.

Peacock, D. P. S., F. Bejaoui, and N. Ben Lazreg. 1989. Roman amphora production in the Sahel region of Tunisia. In Amphores romaines et histoire economique: dix ans de recherches. Siena. 179-222.

Peacock, D. P. S., F. Bejaoui, and N. Ben Lazreg. 1990. Roman pottery production in central Tunisia. Journal of Roman Archaeology 3:59-84.

Roman Provincial Coinage (RPC) – pp. 199-200, nos. 784-791.

Stirling, L. M. 2004. Archaeological evidence for food offerings in the graves of Roman North Africa, in Daimonopylai: essays in Classics and the classical tradition presented to Edmund G. Berry, ed. R. Egan and M. Joyal. Winnipeg.

Stirling, L. M. 2006. Aspects of Punic and Roman Kiln Design in North Africa. In Africa Romana 16: Mobilit delle persone e dei popoli, dinamiche migratorie, emigrazioni ed immigrazione nelle province occidentali dellimpero romano, vol. 4 (Rome: Carocci Editore): 1045-55.

Stirling, L. M. 2008. One Foot in the Grave: Evidence for Footwear in the Graves of Roman North Africa. Africa Romana 17: 2265-2274.

Stone, David L. 1997. The development of an imperial territory: Romans, Africans, and the transformation of the rural landscape of Tunisia. PhD. dissertation, University of Michigan.

Stone, D. L. 2004. Problems and possibilities in comparative survey: a North African perspective. In Side-by-side survey: comparative regional studies in the Mediterranean world, edited by S. Alcock and J. Cherry. Oxford: Oxbow Books. 132-43.

Zevi, F., and A. Tchernia. 1969. Amphores de Byzacne au bas-Empire. Antiquits africaines 3:173-214. [pp. 181-2, 199-201 for Lepti]


Ancient references to Leptiminus

Livy 30.25.12  (Hannibal landed here in 203 BC, bypassing another site with a ruined tomb)

Pliny HN 5.25 (Leptiminus as oppidum liberum)

Pliny HN 31.93-94 (exported high-quality garum)

Caesar, Bellum Africanum  7, 10, 29, 61-63, 67 (liberam civitatem et immunem [7]; Caesar garrisons Lepti; ambush by Moorish cavalry in wadi; attacked by Labienus; naval skirmish]

Pomponius Mela  1.34 (city in Africa Provincia)

Procopius, Wars, 3.27.8 (Belisarius passes through)


Inscriptions found at Leptiminus

CIL 8.11120-11132, CIL 8.22900-22903

See also fig. XXYY in Lepti 2


Inscriptions naming Leptiminus

CIL 1.585, 1.79 [check these]


CIL 8.11105, 8.16542, 8.16543, 8.18085, 8.22902

Merlin (M.) BCTH 1908: p. ccix (tomb inscription from Sbeitla mentioning diocese of Leptitanae)