Wheel vs. Hand Made Vessels


In comparison, both hand and wheel made pottery can be similar in appearance and often difficult to discern.  By using the coil method, the vessel’s surface can be smoothed to hide the seams and carefully evened out on a potter’s wheel to achieve a wheel made effect.  However, the interior will readily indicate technique.  Wheel made vessels have symmetrical walls that are typically marked with grooves from the potter’s hands, while hand built pottery is noticeably uneven, and therefore easily identified.

Wheel Made Pot - Exterior

Leptiminus, Tunisia

Coil built vessel, evened on potter's wheel

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9bowl-int-det.jpg (133145 bytes)

Wheel Made Pot - Detail

Shows uniform

thickness of wall

Wheel Made Pot - Interior

Leptiminus, Tunisia

Wheel Made Pot - Detail

Shows potter's grooves

on wall