Selection of Recent Invited Talks

Gobabeb Training and Research Centre, “Interdune lake deposits in the northern Sand Sea: geology and history of fieldwork at Gobabeb" (Gobabeb, Namibia, 2017).

Nature Manitoba, Discovery Evening, “An extra-terrestrial event in Manitoba at the end of the last Ice Age” (Winnipeg, 2017).

Winnipeg Rotary Club, “Glacial Lake Agassiz: how it changed the world” (Winnipeg, 2016).

Manitoba Naturalists Society, “A late-glacial extraterrestrial event in Manitoba?" (Winnipeg, 2016).

International Geoscience Program, IGCP 610, First Plenary Meeting, "From the Caspian to Mediterranean: Environmental Change and Human Response during the Quaternary" The influence of glacial Lake Agassiz and other large lakes on oceans, climate, and humans (Tbilisi, Georgia, 2013).

Geological Association of Canada, “The drowning and draining of Manitoba: from Lake Agassiz to today”, “Geoscience in Our Lives" Public Lecture (Winnipeg, 2013).

Centre for Earth Observation Science (CEOS), Alfred Wegener Inst. Meeting, “History of North American runoff and its impact on thermohaline circulation” (Winnipeg, 2013).

Winnipeg School Division, S.A.G. E. Conference, course on “Discovering the Earth Sciences” (Winnipeg, 2012).

AMQUA (American Quaternary Association) biennial meeting, "The complex and uncertain overflow from Lake Agassiz" (Duluth, Minnesota, 2012).

Joint CANQUA-International Assoc. Hydrogeologists meeting, “Large and abrupt changes in runoff from North America during the last deglaciation” (Quebec City, 2011) (Keynote Address).

Geological Society of America, Annual Meeting, “Mapping Lake Agassiz beaches, measuring their isostatically-induced slopes, and estimating their ages using LiDAR DEM data”, Special Session on “GlacialLake Agassiz—its history and influence on North America and on global systems: In honor of James T. Teller” (Minneapolis, 2011).

INQUA Congress, “Abrupt changes in runoff from North America during the Younger Dryas” (Bern, Switzerland, 2011). Canadian Geotechnical Society, Short Course on “Geology of Manitoba” (Winnipeg, 2011). Entomological Society of Canada meeting, “Climate change: from geology to ecology” (Winnipeg, 2009, Plenary Speaker).

Canadian Geotechnical Society, Short Course on “Geology of Manitoba” (Winnipeg, 2011).

Entomological Society of Canada meeting, “Climate change: from geology to ecology” (Winnipeg, 2009, Plenary Speaker).

Recent Special Sessions, and Symposia Organized

INQUA Congress Special Session on “The enigmatic Younger Dryas climatic episode” (Bern, Switzerland, 2011).

AGU-Geological Association of Canada, Session on “Climatic and environmental transitions and thresholds recorded in lake and ocean sediments” (Toronto, 2009).

International Geological Congress, Symposium on “Lacustrine records as archives of climate change" (Oslo, Norway, 2008).

Geological Association of Canada, Symposium on “Climate and the Quaternary record of Canada” (Quebec City, 2008).

Canadian Quaternary Association (CANQUA), Chair of Biennial Meeting (Winnipeg, 2005).

CANQUA Special Session on “Climate at the edge” (Winnipeg, 2005)

CANQUA Special Session on “Lakes in transition” (Winnipeg, 2005)

International Limnogeology Congress, Special Session on “Ice-dammed lakes and their records” (Tucson, Arizona, 2003).

CANQUA Special Session on “Tracing North American meltwater and floods to the North Atlantic” (Halifax, 2003).

Geological Society of America Special Session on “Noah’s Flood and the late Quaternary geological and archaeological history of the Black Sea and adjacent basins” (Seattle, 2003).


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