Welcome to Mahmoud Torabi’s Website
Mahmoud Torabi, Ph.D., P.Stat.
Professor of Bio/statistics, Department of Community Health Sciences
Adjunct Professor, Department of Statistics
Scientist, Children’s Hospital Research Institute of Manitoba (CHRIM)
Past-President, Survey Methods Section, Statistical Society of Canada
Elected Member of ISI (International Statistical Institute)
Associate Editor of Electronic Journal of Statistics
Associate Editor of Environmetrics
Associate Editor of Survey Methodology
Associate Editor of Journal of The Iranian Statistical Society
University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada R3E 0W3
Phone: (204) 272-3136
Email: Mahmoud.Torabi@umanitoba.ca
Curriculum Vitae: CV_Dec2023
Biography: Mahmoud Torabi received his PhD in Statistics from Carleton University. His PhD thesis research focused on Small Area Estimation. He was awarded the University Medal for the Best Doctoral Dissertation at Carleton. He then received a full-time fellowship award from University of Alberta, awarded by Alberta Heritage Foundation for Medical Research (AHFMR), to investigate the impact of various health research topics in the province of Alberta. Dr. Torabi joined the Department of Community Health Sciences at the University of Manitoba in July 2010 as a full-time Assistant Professor of Biostatistics. He was promoted to the Associate Professor in 2014 and to Professor in 2020. He is also an adjunct Professor in the Department of Statistics. He has served the Statistical Society of Canada in various capacities and was President of the Survey Methods Section in 2018.
Dr. Torabi has research funds available for students interested in working as a research assistant. He is also actively looking for excellent graduate students (Masters and PhD) through the Department of Community Health Sciences or Department of Statistics. If you are interested in any of his research areas, please feel free to contact him.