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Aquatic Chemistry 

















Course Calendar (Jan. - Apr., 2025)

(Draft; subject to changes)



Week of

Lecture Slides



Jan. 06

1. Introduction to and Modeling in Aquatic Chemistry

Werner Stumm (Memorial tributes by James Morgan)

How water's properties are encoded in its molecular structure and


Jan. 13

2. Computer-aided Solution to Chemical Equilibrium Problems

Any textbook on chemical thermodynamics and kinetics

Handout #1. Thermodynamic properties for common chemical species in aquatic systems (Stumm and Morgan, 1996)

MINEQL+ 5.0 Free Download

MINEQL+ 5.0 Home Page and Tutorial

 Assignment 1

Jan. 20

3. pH: Acid-Base Reactions

pH & related terms from IUPAC

Jan. 27

Review & Work on Assignment #1

Feb. 03

4. Ligands: Complexation Reactions


Assignment 1 is due

Feb. 10

5. pe: Redox Reactions


Assignment 2

Feb. 17

Reading Week; NO CLASS!


Feb. 24

6. hv: Photochemical Reactions


Mar. 03

7. Air-Water Interface


Mar. 10

Review & Work on Assignment #2

Assignment 2 is due

Mar. 17

8. Water-Particle Interface (I)


Assignment 3

Mar. 24

9. Water-Particle Interface (II)


Mar. 31

10. Life: Why Care?  


Apr. 07

11. Putting It All Together: Where to Go Next


Assignment 3 is due

Apr. 16

(9-11:30 am)

Final Exam



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