Recent ESI3 Laboratory Publications


1. Moon, W.M., J.S. Won, and J.W. Kim (1999) Microwave Remote Sensing I , (SNU - IGES Short        Course Note Vol. 1), 1-216.

2. Jiao, L.X. and W.M. Moon (2000) Application of variance fractal dimension technique in seismic signal progessing, GEOPHYSICS*, Vol. 65, 286-292. (An SCI Journal)

3. Feng, L.Y., W.M. Moon, D.J. Kim, K.H. Choi, and Y. Yamaguchi (1999) Investigation of Baiktu-san (Volcano) using Space-borne SAR system, IGARSS Proceedings (Extended Abstract), Hamburg, Germany, 3 p. (In press)

4. Lizeca, J.L., W.M. Moon, C. Hutton, L.Y. Wu, and C.W. Lee (1999) Investigation of Pastos Grandes (Bolivia) Volcanic Features with RADARSAT, IGARSS'99 Proceedings (Extended Absrtact), Hamburg, Germany, 3 p. (in press)

5. Ristau, J. and W.M. Moon (1999) Feasibility of applying space-borne SAR interferometry for earthquake tectonic investigation, Proceedings, Canadian Space Agency Final ADRO Symposium, Montreal, Canada, October, 1998. (CD-ROM Publication), 18 pages.

6. Miao, X.G. and W.M. Moon (1999) Application of Wavelet transform in seismic data analysis, Geosciences Journal, Vol. 3, No. 3, 171-179.

7. Moon, W.M. (1999) Lectures in Geophysical Fluid Dynamics by Rick Salmon (1998) (A Book Review), Geosciences Journal, Vol. 3, No. 4, 233 - 234..