
Participating in Online Software Communities:

The Role of Gender

We are conducting a user study to explore the role of a design element that emphasizes prosocial behavior in addition to content accuracy in Q&A communities and see if such interventions affect people of different genders.

Who can participate: You are invited to participate if

What will you do:
If you decide to participate, you will be asked to interact with a mock Q&A site for 15 minutes. You are not expected to post any questions, answers, or comments. After exploring the prototype, you will be given a short survey that gathers your feedback. In the end, there will be an interview.

Time commitment and compensation:
This study will take approximately one hour. As a thank you for your participation, you will receive $20 CAD (converted to requested currency) at the start of the study. Depending on your preference, it can be provided as an Amazon gift card or cash (via Paypal or e-Transfer).

This research has been approved by the University of Manitoba Joint Faculty Research Ethics Board.

If you have any questions or would like to participate in this study, please contact Mahya Maftouni (maftounm@myumanitoba.ca).

Faculty Investigator:
Dr. Andrea Bunt (bunt@cs.umanitoba.ca)