Marks posted above
Thanks everyone! -Rob
Hey everyone. Sorry for the delay in getting marks out. They will be posted soon.
But in the mean time, if you could take a few minutes and fill out the above survey,
I would definitely apprecaite it! It is completely optional. -Rob
Exam Period Office Hours
As discussed in class, I will be holding office hours during exam period. I have decided
to hold one 2 hour block on Monday, April 14th from 11am to 1pm. This block of office hours
will be on a first come first served basis - no appointments will be made. Please do
take advantage of these these office hours. -Rob
Test 2 Marks Updated w/ missing papers
If you couldn't find your mark before, check now. -Rob
Test 2 Marks Posted
See above. -Rob
Test 2 Locations
The exam tonight is 7:00-8:00pm and the location is based on the first letter of your
last name (surname):
- A-G: 201 Armes
- H-N: 205 Armes
- O-Z: 208 Armes
See you there! Good luck! -Rob
Problem request for labs
As discussed in class, I have created a form for you to fill out if you have a
problem you would like your TA to do in lab time. Very easy - pick your
lab section, and then enter the problem (either a reference to the textbook, an
exam posted online, or write the entire problem out yourself). If you
post your requests at least 48 hours before the lab, the TAs will check this list, and
prepare solutions to the requested questions, to ensure they will not be delayed
in coming up with it. Hopefully this helps with the quality of the labs!
Please do let me know if you have any other suggestions for the way the labs are run.
Thanks! -Rob
Term test 1 questions and solutions posted
Enjoy! -Rob
Term test 1 marks
Posted above. Exams will be handed back in class today. If you don't make
it to class today, please come see me some time soon to pick up your paper. -Rob
Issues with Information Sheets on Test 1
As discussed in class, the names of those who were flagged and found to be in
violation of the rules for the information sheets in term test 1 have been passed
on to the head of the department. He will be contacting those people shortly to
arrange meetings to discuss the situation. -Rob
Exam Locations
The exam tonight is 5:30 - 6:30pm and the location is based on the first letter of your
last name (surname):
- A-G: 201 Armes
- H-N: 205 Armes
- O-Z: 208 Armes
See you there! Good luck! -Rob
More Lab Worksheets Posted
For areas and volumes. Enjoy! -Rob
Area and Volume examples
Posted below. Enjoy! -Rob
Some lab worksheets posted
See below. Enjoy! -Rob
As discussed in class, due to a massive conflict with test 2, we are moving it to
Thu March 13, 7:00 - 8:00pm. Please be sure you are available on
this date rather than the one in the course outline. -Rob
Suggested Homework
The other professor took the time to generate a list of suggested homework for
the course. Please take these as a MINIMUM - the others are good too, just these
should be the absolute minimum you should do. You can find them
Welcome to the official web page for MATH 1710 A02 at the University of Manitoba for the winter term
of 2014.
The following worksheets are entirely VOLUNTARY, and are meant to help with
learning the material of this course as well as material that you are assumed
to know in this class.
Lab Worksheets
- Lab Worksheet 2 - Inverse Trig:
- Lab Worksheet 3 - Chapter 5 and 6 Review:
- Lab Worksheet 4 - Areas:
- Lab Worksheet 5 - Volumes:
Other Worksheets
- Here's a nice "juicy" curve sketching question. Graph the function
 = 7 \ln \left| \frac{x^2-3x+2}{x^2-4}\right|)
given that
Use this to remind yourself of the techniques in MATH 1500.
TIP: Do not read the solution until you try it yourself.
- Note that the following worksheets were made by a different professor, and anything
said in them regarding how the course will run or what is expected of you on an exam or
quiz, you should confirm them with me. What I say matters most.
- Summary of Areas and Volumes:
- Some Volume Examples - Questions:
- Some Volume Examples - Solutions: Do not look at the solutions until you try the problems first.
to do a particular problem during your lab
- Renting textbooks from the bookstore (link)
Lecture Examples
- The lecture examples will be available immediately after class here.
Term Tests
- Test 1 Questions
- Test 1 Solutions
- Test 2 Questions
Other useful links
Wolfram Alpha
Mathematical Visualization Toolkit
- An online graphing program that can be used to visualize mathematics.
Textbooks that are available online for free (cover same content in different ways):
Lecture notes from Paul Dawkins, a professor at Lamar University (Beaumont, TX). His notes
are completely available online, and they are very well done - could almost be a textbook
in themself! Don't forget though: methods and techniques and requirements might be different,
so always do what your instructor teaches you ahead of what someone else tells you is ok.
You can see his site here: link
An amazing example of a formula sheet I found on the web
Other Instructor's Classes
- coming soon...
- A01 (Harland)