Manitoba is located in an area of Canada where a number of different vegetation zones converge. A wide variety of plants from various zones are represented in the local flora -- grassland species from the west and south, decidous forest species from the east, boreal and tundra species from the north. Recent estimates put the number of plant species (both vascular and non-vascular) at 1751 with 553 of these being considered rare. There are an estimated 174 plant communities in Manitoba with 50 of these being rare.
Vegetation zones of Manitoba
This map from Forest Ecosystem Classification for
Manitoba. Other maps from this source:
Generalized soils of Manitoba and
Manitoba ecozones.
Also see:
The plant names listed on this site generally follow the Flora of Manitoba by H.J. Scoggan (1957). Corrections, synonyms, updated names, missing species and other information are being added to the flora as time permits. The last significant update was done February/March 2002.
This list represents the vascular plant flora of Manitoba. A flora of the bryophytes of Manitoba is being developed and can be found at A partial flora of the lichens of Manitoba is being developed (
Great Plains Flora Association. Flora of the Great Plains. University Press of Kansas. Lawrence, Kansas. 1986, 1990
Gerrard, Martin, Vicki Henderson, Emil Kucera, Dave Wotton. State of the Environment Report for Manitoba - 1991. Province of Manitoba, Conservation. 1991.
Hosie, R.C. Native Trees of Canada, Fitzhenry & Whiteside Limited. 1979.
Johnson, Derek, Linda Kershaw, Andy MacKinnon, Jim Pojar. Plants of the Western Boreal Forest & Aspen Parkland Lone Pine Publishing. 1995.
Looman, J., K.F. Best. Budd's Flora of the Canadian Prairie Provinces Canadian Government Publish Centre. 1979.
Niering, William A. The Audubon Society Field Guide to North American Wildflowers Eastern RegionAlfred A. Knopf, Inc. 1983.
Oswald, Edward T., Frank H. Nokes. Field Guide to the Native Trees of Manitoba Manitoba Natrual Resources Forestry. 1998.
Scoggan, H.J. Flora of Manitoba National Museum of Canada Bulletin No. 140, 1957.
Scoggan, H.J. The Flora of Canada National Museums of Canada, Publications in Botany, No. 7(1-4), 1978.
Smith, James Payne. Vascular Plant Families Mad River Press Inc. 1977.
White, David J. and Karen L. Johnson. The Rare Vascular Plants of Manitoba Syllogeus No 27, National Museums of Canada 1980.
Vance, F.R., J. R. Jowsey, J.S. McLean, F.A. Switczer. Wildflowers Across the Praries Greystone Books. 1999
Zoladeski, C.A., G.M. Wickware, R.J. Delorme, R.A. Sims and I.G.W. Corns. Forest Ecosystem Classification for Manitoba Minister of Supply and Services Canada. 1995.
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Last modified: Sun Jan 10 10:37:16 2016