Updated 1998/02/15 Sun
Your corner rate is your turn rate at your corner speed expressed in degrees per second. These were all done by time-intensive trial with a stop watch and several loops along the lift vector (if these ships had one as such). The higher your corner rate the better, as this represents how fast you can put your nose on an enemy fighter and splatter the cockpit with hair, teeth and eyeballs. It should also be noted that some ships actually had better roll capabilities than their lift ability implies. I may make a graph for those when I have the time.
The corner radius, in meters, is the smallest circle you can make while at corner speed. As space craft not having to worry about gravity, this isn't terribly critical (gravity is a harsh mistress on PMS), but it's good to remember when you're trying to figure out how that T/B is somehow outturning your T/I (he isn't, his turn radius is inside yours).
Finally, data for the T-Wing and R-41 were taken from the Craft Database and
calculated based on performance similar to an X-Wing.
A combination of 100% (normal) shields is superpositioned over the armour capabilities. Note that it's the Y-Wing's armour which makes it's defense strength even remotely close to the Gunboat, although it's manueverability sucks so bad the only thing worse is the B-Wing.
This is a measurement of the turn rate over velocity, with each fighter operating at optimum turn performance (33% throttle, 100% engines). Although not explicitly shown, the turn radius (different from turn rate) of each fighter can be implicitly determined by its position relative to the left and bottom axis. The further from the left and the closer to the bottom, the larger the turn radius (bad). Note that most of the Imperial fighters can quite handily out-turn Rebel fighters. Also remember that some fighters had a respectable roll performance versus lift, and these may be their key to winning a knife fight.
Click to see numeric standard armanent loading.
A measure of the weapons payload of each fighter, expressed as the damage capability of the max complement of projectiles. A single Assault Gunboat or B-Wing has the capability of completely taking down the shields of an Escort Carrier with it's full loading of heavy rockets.
The T-Wing is estimated to have the same warhead capabilities as the X-Wing as taken from the Craft Database. The R-41 is mentioned to carry no warheads. It is not clear whether this is just standard loadout or if it is incapable for launching warheads.
The Y-Wing has the distinction of being the slowest at 0%, while the TIE Bomber is the slowest at 200%. The T/B is so slow that even at 200% engines it's unable to catch an X-Wing at 100%, and redirecting weapons power to engines in a Y-Wing will allow you to escape (slowly).
The T/W and R-41 data is partly taken from the Craft Database and estimated based on similar craft.