Daayf F , Nicole M, Bélanger RR and Geiger JP 1998. Hyaline mutants from Verticillium dahliae: an example of selection and characterization of strains aimed for host-parasite interaction studies.Plant Pathology 47:523-529.
El Hadrami I, El Bellaj M, El Idrissi A, J’Aiti S, El Jaafari S, and Daayf F 1998. What is the degree of integration of biotechnology techniques in date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.), pivot of oasis culture? Situation in Morocco.Cahiers Agriculture 7:463-468.
El Hadrami I, El Bellaj M, Daayf F, Clerivet A, and Macheix JJ 1998 . Interaction palmier dattier-Fusarium oxysporum albedinis, agent causal du bayoud: reponse du metabolisme phenolique a des infections racinaires tres localisees et relations avec la resistance des cultivars. Polyphenols Communications 2:417-419.
Daayf F and Platt HW 1998. Characteristics of Phytophthora infestans populations from Canadian provinces in 1997. Proc. Northeast Potato Technology Forum: 17-19.
Daayf F and Platt HW 1998. Monitoring changes in populations of Phytophthora infestans in Canada in 1997. Agri-Info Fact-sheet 98-10. Agdex 161 630.
Daayf F and Platt HW 1998. Characterization of Canadian populations of Phytophthora infestans in 1997.Phytopathology . Sept. 88(9 Suppl).
Platt HW, Peters R, Medina M, Mahuku G, and Daayf F 1998. Late Blight Update. Potato Links 2(2):12-14.
Daayf F and Platt HW 1998. Studying populations of Phytophthora infestans causing late blight in Canada. Nova Scotia Vegetable Newsletter Vol. (4), June.
Daayf F, Platt HW, Medina M, Peters R, and Arsenault W 1998 . Overwintering of Late blight oospores. 1998 NB Seed Potato Day, Perth-Andower, New Brunswick, February 25, Canada. (INVITED PAPER)
El Hadrami I, El Bellaj M, Daayf F, Clerivet A, and Macheix JJ 1998 . Interaction palmier dattier-Fusarium oxysporum albedenis, agent causal du bayoud: reponse du metabolisme phenolique a des infections racinaires tres localisees et relations avec la resistance des cultivars. Colloque “Polyphenols”, Lille, France. (PAPER)
Ongena M, Daayf F, Jacques P, Thonart P and Belanger R 1998 . Induction of antifungal phenolics in cucumber roots by fluorescent Pseudomonas is related to the reduction of Puthium disease. 7th International Congress of Plant Pathology , Edinburgh, Scotland (August 9-16). (POSTER)