Welcome to our website!!! !!E. Herbert

For more information, please check out our publications or get in touch.
Group News
Our first paper
of 2025 is now out in JACS! Congratulations to
Rob & Rajarshi for their thrilling study on
pi-stacking and triplet metal-centered excited states!
Thanks to Jim
McCusker for hosting Rob on an NSERC Michael
Smith Foreign Supplement stay and an awesome
collaboration! Check it out here!
More Esteban News! Esteban has returned from our group's first attendance at an IUCr Crystallography Conference (VI Latin American Crystallographic Association Meeting)... and he didn't come back empty handed! Congratulations on the IUCr Journals Poster Prize in Applied Crystallography!! Here he is receiving his award from IUCr President Dr. Santiago García-Granda!

Esteban's *first* HGP ('Herbert Group Paper') is now online! Check out his informative review in Electrochem. Sci. Adv.! Seems like a fitting time to offer a HUGE CONGRATULATIONS to Esteban for earning a University of Manitoba Graduate Fellowship (UMGF!)
With the end of summer we bid a bittersweet farewell to our AMAZING summer interns Ahsen Haroon & Moinak Deb (and Dewin... but welcome back Dewin for his 4710 Project!)!
Don't miss Baldeep, Issiah & Robert's latest in J. Am. Chem. Soc.! Another thrilling installment of a great collaboration with K. Gaffney & team down at SLAC!
And that's a wrap! A wonderful Canadian Society of Chemistry Conference wraps up in Winnipeg and we've got some news: congratulations to Keighlynn & Esteban for taking home "Best Oral Presentation" awards! Here's Keighlynn receiving hers from Prof. Leanne Chen!

GIGANTIC congratulations!!! ...
to Amelia and Keighlynn for earning NSERC CGS-D and
CGS-M scholarships!

Happy 2024, Everyone! The new year is upon us and we wish a fond farewell and hearty congratulations to our most recent alumna Amy who successfully defended her MSc in December!!! Great job, Amy! We're excited to see what comes next!!!
... and a belated welcome to new graduate students Keighlynn Veilleux and Esteban Garcia Torres!!! Great to have you with us!!!
LAST BIT OF SUMMER NEWS... Great time had by Baldeep & Rob at this year's ISPPCC in Ulm! Great conference!

CONGRATULATIONS to Issiah Lozada, winner of the 2023 AGWIC - Award for Graduate Work in Inorganic Chemistry from the Inorganic Division of the Canadian Society for Chemistry!!! Amazing achievement! Key your eyes peeled for more great stuff from Issiah as he begins postdoctoral research with Prof. Serena DeBeer at the Max-Planck-Institut fur Chemische Energiekonversion in Germany!
Update! Baldeep now holds a CGS-D! Congratulations!!!!
Welcome to new graduate students Utkarsh Mall, Amelia Kacperkiewicz, and Keighlynn Veilleux (CHEM4710 Project Student)!
A big, big welcome to our new 2022 summer students Nicole and Andrew, and an ENORMOUS welcome back Guneet (NSERC USRA) and Amelia (FoS USRA)!!! :)
HUGE congratulations to Robert (CGS-D) and Baldeep (PGS-D) for earning NSERC scholarship support!!!!

Our first papers of 2022 are now out! Congratulations to Issiah, Rob and Jason for exciting new work out now in J. Org. Chem. and the *front cover* in Inorg. Chem. Front.!
Thrilled to have our article on covalency and excited state ordering accepted for publication in J. Am. Chem. Soc.! Great work, Jason and Issiah! And thanks to our wonderful collaborators at Case Western Reserve University and SLAC!
Well done #TeamSHArK!!!! Great work from our whole team - Issiah, Baldeep, Robert & Dion - and all our SHArK participants from Daniel McIntyre Collegiate Institute and Maples MET School for completing a fantastic on-line version of SHArK this year!!!
HUGE congratulations to our newest scholarship holders Dion Nemez (NSERC PGS-D3), Baldeep Sidhu (NSERC CGS-M) and Robert Ortiz (UMGF)!!!! Keep doing us all proud!!!!!
Group Alumnus Dr. Rajarshi Mondal has been awarded a prestigious Azrieli International Postdoctoral Fellowship to work with Prof. Z. Nairoukh at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem! Congratulations, Raj!!!
The successful defences keep on coming!!! Congratulations to Jason Braun and Pavan Mandapati for their successful PhD defences in December 2020!!! We'll miss you both!!!
We're excited to see what you come up with in your postdoctoral position at Harvard University with the Mason Group! Good luck!!!!
Big news! The Herbert Group is now on Twitter! Follow us @herbert_lab
Congratulations to Rajarshi Mondal, the Herbert Group's first PhD! Rajarshi successfully defended his thesis in December 2019. Well done! Good luck with your PDF with the Nairoukh Group at Hebrew University in Jerusalem!
More Esteban News! Esteban has returned from our group's first attendance at an IUCr Crystallography Conference (VI Latin American Crystallographic Association Meeting)... and he didn't come back empty handed! Congratulations on the IUCr Journals Poster Prize in Applied Crystallography!! Here he is receiving his award from IUCr President Dr. Santiago García-Granda!

Esteban's *first* HGP ('Herbert Group Paper') is now online! Check out his informative review in Electrochem. Sci. Adv.! Seems like a fitting time to offer a HUGE CONGRATULATIONS to Esteban for earning a University of Manitoba Graduate Fellowship (UMGF!)
With the end of summer we bid a bittersweet farewell to our AMAZING summer interns Ahsen Haroon & Moinak Deb (and Dewin... but welcome back Dewin for his 4710 Project!)!
Don't miss Baldeep, Issiah & Robert's latest in J. Am. Chem. Soc.! Another thrilling installment of a great collaboration with K. Gaffney & team down at SLAC!
And that's a wrap! A wonderful Canadian Society of Chemistry Conference wraps up in Winnipeg and we've got some news: congratulations to Keighlynn & Esteban for taking home "Best Oral Presentation" awards! Here's Keighlynn receiving hers from Prof. Leanne Chen!

Happy 2024, Everyone! The new year is upon us and we wish a fond farewell and hearty congratulations to our most recent alumna Amy who successfully defended her MSc in December!!! Great job, Amy! We're excited to see what comes next!!!
... and a belated welcome to new graduate students Keighlynn Veilleux and Esteban Garcia Torres!!! Great to have you with us!!!
LAST BIT OF SUMMER NEWS... Great time had by Baldeep & Rob at this year's ISPPCC in Ulm! Great conference!

CONGRATULATIONS to Issiah Lozada, winner of the 2023 AGWIC - Award for Graduate Work in Inorganic Chemistry from the Inorganic Division of the Canadian Society for Chemistry!!! Amazing achievement! Key your eyes peeled for more great stuff from Issiah as he begins postdoctoral research with Prof. Serena DeBeer at the Max-Planck-Institut fur Chemische Energiekonversion in Germany!
Update! Baldeep now holds a CGS-D! Congratulations!!!!
Welcome to new graduate students Utkarsh Mall, Amelia Kacperkiewicz, and Keighlynn Veilleux (CHEM4710 Project Student)!
A big, big welcome to our new 2022 summer students Nicole and Andrew, and an ENORMOUS welcome back Guneet (NSERC USRA) and Amelia (FoS USRA)!!! :)
HUGE congratulations to Robert (CGS-D) and Baldeep (PGS-D) for earning NSERC scholarship support!!!!

Our first papers of 2022 are now out! Congratulations to Issiah, Rob and Jason for exciting new work out now in J. Org. Chem. and the *front cover* in Inorg. Chem. Front.!
Thrilled to have our article on covalency and excited state ordering accepted for publication in J. Am. Chem. Soc.! Great work, Jason and Issiah! And thanks to our wonderful collaborators at Case Western Reserve University and SLAC!
Well done #TeamSHArK!!!! Great work from our whole team - Issiah, Baldeep, Robert & Dion - and all our SHArK participants from Daniel McIntyre Collegiate Institute and Maples MET School for completing a fantastic on-line version of SHArK this year!!!
HUGE congratulations to our newest scholarship holders Dion Nemez (NSERC PGS-D3), Baldeep Sidhu (NSERC CGS-M) and Robert Ortiz (UMGF)!!!! Keep doing us all proud!!!!!
Group Alumnus Dr. Rajarshi Mondal has been awarded a prestigious Azrieli International Postdoctoral Fellowship to work with Prof. Z. Nairoukh at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem! Congratulations, Raj!!!
The successful defences keep on coming!!! Congratulations to Jason Braun and Pavan Mandapati for their successful PhD defences in December 2020!!! We'll miss you both!!!
We're excited to see what you come up with in your postdoctoral position at Harvard University with the Mason Group! Good luck!!!!
Big news! The Herbert Group is now on Twitter! Follow us @herbert_lab
Congratulations to Rajarshi Mondal, the Herbert Group's first PhD! Rajarshi successfully defended his thesis in December 2019. Well done! Good luck with your PDF with the Nairoukh Group at Hebrew University in Jerusalem!
Big congratulations
to Jason and Issiah for their paper on nanosecond
charge-transfer excited state lifetimes in iron
coordination complexes which is now on-line in Nature
Chemistry! Well
done!!!! For more on this exciting work, see the
accompanying blog post.
Congratulations to
Jason, Dion, Rajarshi, Issiah and Baldeep for their
impressive showing at the Chemistry Awards Night! Keep up
the GREAT work, everyone!
Chemistry Centennial Scholarship (Jason Braun)
Theodore (Ted) Schaefer Graduate Award in Chemistry (Issiah Lozada)
Faculty of Science CANGENE Award (Issiah Lozada)
Hugh J. Anderson Graduate Award in Chemistry (Dion Nemez, Rajarshi Mondal, Jason Braun, Issiah Lozada)
Demchuk Scholarship for Women in Chemistry (Baldeep Sidhu)
Hugh J. Anderson Undergraduate Scholarship in Chemistry (Baldeep Sidhu)
Reverend Joseph Hogg Scholarship (Baldeep Sidhu)
A.N. Campbell Scholarship (Baldeep Sidhu)
Chemistry Centennial Scholarship (Jason Braun)
Theodore (Ted) Schaefer Graduate Award in Chemistry (Issiah Lozada)
Faculty of Science CANGENE Award (Issiah Lozada)
Hugh J. Anderson Graduate Award in Chemistry (Dion Nemez, Rajarshi Mondal, Jason Braun, Issiah Lozada)
Demchuk Scholarship for Women in Chemistry (Baldeep Sidhu)
Hugh J. Anderson Undergraduate Scholarship in Chemistry (Baldeep Sidhu)
Reverend Joseph Hogg Scholarship (Baldeep Sidhu)
A.N. Campbell Scholarship (Baldeep Sidhu)
The good news keeps on coming!
Congratulations to Robert (1st place, Oral
Presentations - Overall; 2nd place, Poster
Presentations - Inorganic), Jesse (3rd place, Oral
Presentations - Overall; 1st place, Poster
Presentations - Inorganic) and Baldeep (1st place,
Poster Presentations - Organic) for their
presentations at the 2019 Manitoba Chemistry
Our SHArK North! young materials researchers
from Daniel McIntyre Collegiate Institute, Grant Park
High School and Maples MET School presented their work
today at the 2019 Manitoba Materials Conference! Well
done everyone! A big thank you to lead mentors Issiah
and Dion, and to mentors Baldeep, Robert, Jesse and
Genesis, and to Mr. Trieu for a fantastic year of
Congratulations to Robert (winner!), Jesse (Honourable Mention) and Baldeep (Honourable Mention) for their performance in the Poster Competition! Well done!!!
Congratulations to Robert (winner!), Jesse (Honourable Mention) and Baldeep (Honourable Mention) for their performance in the Poster Competition! Well done!!!
A very special thank you to Research
Manitoba and the Government
of Manitoba for supporting our work on
novel platinum theranostic agents with a Research
Young Investigator Award!
Congratulations to Rajarshi and Issiah on
their latest research paper, published as a cover
article in a themed collection in
Journal of Materials Chemistry C!
Welcome Dr. Paul Gray to the group! Paul is a
Burford Group alumnus, and recent transplant from
UVic. Good luck getting those snow tires on, Paul!
on being awarded the Governor General's Gold Medal for
Outstanding Achievement at the Masters' Level!!!! Keep
doing us proud, buddy!!!
Congrats to Issiah
for transferring into the Ph.D. program!
Congrats to Jason on winning best poster presentation at the 8th Annual Manitoba Materials Conference!
Congrats to Raj and Issiah on their latest Inorg. Chem. article!
Congrats to Jason on winning best poster presentation at the 8th Annual Manitoba Materials Conference!
Congrats to Raj and Issiah on their latest Inorg. Chem. article!
Congrats to Pat and
Dion on their Front Cover article in ChemComm!
Congratulations to
Jason on being awarded a University of Manitoba
Graduate Fellowship for his PhD studies! Well done!
Oscar and Michael
did a fantastic job presenting their summer work at
the Undergraduate Summer Research Poster Session! Good
job guys!
Congratulations to
Pat on successfully defending his MSc as well! Not so
much on nearly taking out his eye with the champagne
cork ;) Pat is off to Europe to "find himself" -
hopefully he finds his way back before starting his
next step in the US!
Congratulations to
Peter on successfully defending his MSc thesis! Pete
will start Medical School at the University of
Manitoba in Fall 2017 and we wish him all the best on
his new journey to become a "real" doctor! :)