Publications |
Articles in Books“Manitoba in the Middle: A Mutual Fund balanced for Steady Income” (2010 AD) In P. Thomas & C. Brown (eds) Volume on Manitoba Politics (with W.Simpson) (forthcoming) "How Should Canada Redress Historical Injustices? Lessons from the Chinese Head Tax?" (2008 AD) in A. Sabitha (ed) Redressing Injustice: Reparations. Amicus Books, IEFELl University Press. pp. 176-95. (with Barry Ferguson) "The Retirement Prospects of Immigrants: Will it require a new Social Contract?" (2008 AD) in Beach, C., M. Abbot, J. McKinnon, R. Boadway (eds) Retirement Policy Issues in Canada. John Deutsch Institute: McGill-Queens University Press. (with Wayne Simpson) “Revisiting Equity and Labour: Immigration, Gender, Minority Status and Income Differentials in Canada” (2007 AD) in Sean Hier and Singh Bolaria (eds.) Race & Racism in 21st Century Canada: Continuity, Complexity and Change. Peterborough: Broadview Press. Pp. 89-109. (with Wayne Simpson) “The Cost of Eliminating Poverty in Canada: Basic Income with an Income Test Twist” (2005 AD) in Lewis, M., S. Pressman, & K. Widerquist (eds.) The Ethics and Economics of Basic Incomes. Burlington, VT: Ashgate Publishing Co. (with W. Simpson). Civil Society, Inclusion and Citizens with Disabilities.” (2005 AD) in B. Ferguson and L. Roberts (eds.) Social Capital and Community in Canada and Germany. Winnipeg, St John's College Press. “Reinterpreting the performance of immigrant wages from panel data.” (2004 AD) In Badi Baltagi (ed.) Panel Data. Heidelberg & New York: Physica-Verlag. (with Wayne Simpson). What are Canadians Doing After School? An Analysis of Postschool Education and Training Activity 2004 AD. in J. Gaskell and K. Rubenson (eds.) Educational Outcomes for the Canadian Workplace: New Frameworks for Policy and Research.Toronto: University of Toronto Press.89 - 117.(with W. Simpson) A.M.C.Waterman: A Faith Full Economist” in D. Hum (ed.) Faith, Reason and Economics. 2003, Winnipeg: St John’s College Press. Paul Samuelson (1915- ): An Economist’s Economist and the Laureate of 1970”. 2002. In A. Wahid (ed.) Frontiers Of Economics: Nobel Laureates of the Twentieth Century. Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press. The Road Not Taken: The Rise and Fall of GAI in Canada. 2001. in A. Caster und E. Gross (Eds.) Sozialpolitik im Spannungsfeld von Individuum und Gesellschaft. Frankfurt am Main: Deutscher Verein. Pp. 223-38. Voices that Count: The Census as Postmodern Text. 2001. in H. Braun and W. Klooss (Eds.) Giving Voice: Canadian and German Perspectiives. Idstein: Schulz-Kirchner Verlag. Canadian Citizenship and the Chinese in Canada, 1885-1947: A Muted Voice. 2001. in H. Braun and W. Klooss (Eds.) Giving Voice: Canadian and German Perspectiives. Idstein: Schulz-Kirchner Verlag. (with B. Ferguson) "Chinese Coal Miners during Canada's Head Tax Era". 1999. in H. Braun and W. Klooss (editors) Gagner la Vie / Life and Work - Socio-Cultural Studies on Work and Life in Canada and Germany. Kiel: l&f Verlag. (with B. Ferguson) "Training and Unemployment". 1999. in Ken Battle and Sherry Torjman (editors) Employment Policy 0ptions. Ottawa, The Caledon Institute (with Wayne Simpson) "Reducing Inflation in an Era of Low Inflationary Expectations". 1999. in Wolfgang Filc and Claus Kohler (editors) Macroeconomic Causes of Unemployment: Diagnosis and Policy Recommendations , Belin, Duncker & Humblot. (with Wayne Simpson and Norman Cameron) "Mostly on Tenure: Canadian Musings and German Postcard". 1998. in H. Braun and W. Klooss (editors) The University at the Turn of the Century , Kiel, I & F Verla "In Search of Identity: The Canadian Economy 1945-1995". 1996. In H. Braun and W. Klooss (editors) 1945 in Canada and Germany: Viewing the Past through the Present , Kiel, I & F Verlag. "The Impossibility of a Postmodern Economics". 1995 . In H. Braun and W. Klooss (editors) Postmodernization? A comparative View of Canada and Europe, Trier, Zentrums fur Kanada-Studien. "Multicultural Society and Economic Structure". 1995. In H. Braun and W. Klooss (editors) Multiculturalism in North America and Europe: Social Practices - Literary Visions, Trier, WVT Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier. "Recent Canadian Social Policy Reform: Peristroika without Design". 1993. In Hans Braun and Wolfgang Klooss (editors) Studying and Writing the Difference: Essays in Canadian Culture(s) and Society, Trier, Zentrums fur Kanada-Studien "Exchange Speak, Social Welfare Claims and Economic Policy Discourse". 1993. In Glenn Drover and Patrick Kerans (editors) New Approaches to Welfare Theory , Hampshire, England, Edward Elgar Publishing Limited. "Das System der sozialen Sicherung". 1992 and 1994. In Hans Braun und Wolfgang Klooss (editors) Kanada: Eine interdisziplinare Einfuhrung , Trier, WVT Wissenschaftlicher Verlag. (with Hans Braun) "The View from the Less-Affluent West" . 1991. In N. Cameron et al From East and West: Regional Views on Reconfederation The Canada Round 6, Toronto, C.D. Howe Institute. ( with N. Cameron and W. Simpson) "Compromise and Delay: The Federal Strategy on Child Care". 1989. In Ronald Watts and Douglas Brown (eds.) Canada: The State of the Federation, 1989, Kingston, Institute of Intergovernmental Relations. "Some Reflections on Integrating Taxes and Transfers". 1988. In Neil Brooks (ed.) The Quest for Tax Reform, Toronto, Carswell Publishing Company. "Harmonization of Social Programs under Free Trade". 1988. In Glen Drover (ed.) Free Trade and Social Policy, Ottawa, Canadian Council on Social Development. "Canadian Federalism and the Welfare State: Shifting Responsibilities and Sharing Costs". 1987. In J. S. Ismael (ed.), The Canadian Welfare State: Evolution and Transition. Edmonton, University of Alberta Press. (with F. Strain) "The Canadian Public Sector: An Introduction". 1987. In G. C. Ruggeri (editor), The Canadian Economy: Problems and Policies, Third edition. Toronto, Gage Publishing Company. (with F. Strain) "Citizenship and Fiscal Federalism: A New Theoretical Framework". 1985. Atlantic Canada Economic Association Papers Volume 14, 1985. Pp. 59-70. (with F. Strain) "Social Security Reform in Canada During the 1970s". 1985. In J. S. Ismael (ed.), Canadian Social Welfare Policy: Federal and Provincial Dimensions. Toronto, Institute for Public Administration in Canada. "The Working Poor, the Canada Assistance Plan and Provincial Response in Income Supplementation". 1985. In J. S. Ismael (ed.), Canadian Social Welfare Policy: Federal and Provincial Dimensions. Toronto, Institute for Public Administration in Canada. "Measurement: Theory and Practice". 1983. Chapter 7 in P. Rossi et al (eds.), Handbook of Survey Research. New York, Academic Press. Pp. 231-87. (with A. Anderson and A. Basilevsky) "Missing Data: A Review of the Literature". 1983. Chapter 12 in P. Rossi et al (eds.), Handbook of Survey Research. New York, Academic Press. Pp. 415-94. (with A. Anderson and A. Basilevsky) "Clarence Barber and Canadian Economics". 1982. Introduction to Clarence L. Barber: Collected Economic Papers. Winnipeg, Institute for Social and Economic Research. (with A. M. C. Waterman and B. L. Scarfe) "Home Ownership, Affordability and Housing Policy in Manitoba: 1980". Sept. 1981. In Is Government Home Ownership Assistance the Way to Go? Ottawa, Canadian Council on Social Development. Pp. 148-56. (with H. Stevens) "An Introduction to Alternative Mortgage Designs". September 1981. In Is Government Home Ownership Assistance the Way to Go? Ottawa, Canadian Council on Social Development. Pp. 148-56. (with H. Stevens) "Poverty, Policy and Social Experimentation in Canada: Background and Chronology". 1980. In Reflections on Canadian Incomes. Ottawa, Economic Council of Canada. Pp. 307-18. "Negative Income Tax Experiments: A Descriptive Survey with Special Reference to Work Incentives". 1980. In Reflections on Canadian Incomes. Ottawa, Economic Council of Canada. Pp. 127-47. "Spectral Analysis of Demographic Time Series: A Comparison of Two Spectral Models". 1977. In J. Barra, et al (eds.), Recent Developments in Statistics, Amsterdam, North-Holland Publishing Company. (with A. Basilevsky) "The Future Economic Prospects of Winnipeg: An Analytic Speculation". 1974. In Winnipeg: 1874-1974, Progress and Prospects , edited by T. J. Kuz, Winnipeg, Queen's Printer. |
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