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Articles in Journals

"The Legacy of Immigration: Labour Market Performance and Education in the Second Generation." 2007 AD. Applied Economics. Vol. 39, No.15. 1-25. (with W. Simpson)

“The Impact of Health on Labour Supply in Panel Data”, 2006 AD. Global Business & Economics Anthology, Vol. 1, 185 - 96 . (with W. Simpson & Eyob Ghebretsadik).

"The Voucher Debate and the Social Economy." 2006 AD. Horizons Vol 28, No.2 (with Stuart Sykes).

 “Reinterpreting the Performance of Immigrant Wages from Panel Data.” 2004 AD. Empirical Economics.  Vol. 29, No.1, 129-47. (with W. Simpson).

“ Economic Integration of Immigrants to Canada: A Short Survey.” 2004 AD. Canadian Journal of Urban Research ,   Vol. 13, No. 1, 46-61. (with W. Simpson)

“Labour Market Training of New Canadians and Limitations of the Intersectionality Framework.” 2003 AD. Canadian Ethnic Studies ,Vol.35, No. 3 56-69 (with W. Simpson).

"Job-related Training by Immigrants to Canada." 2003. Canadian Public Policy, Vol. 29, No. 4, 1-22. (with W. Simpson).

"Adult immigrants: How well are they trained?” 2003 Education Quarterly Review. Vol.9, No.3, 17- 22. (with W. Simpson)

“Selectivity and Immigration in Canada: A Research Note” 2002 Journal of International Migration and Integration. Vol. 3, No. 1, 107-127. (with
Wayne Simpson)

“Tenure, Academic Freedom and Accountability in Universities.” 2002 Journal of Educational Administration and Foundations. Vol 16, No. 1. 61- 76.

“Adult Training in Canada: Snapshots from the Nineties” 2002. Education Quarterly Review. Vol. 8, No. 2, 26-32. (with Wayne Simpson) Also in French as “La formation des adultes au Canada: instantanes des annees 1990”. Revue trimestrielle de l’education. 28-35.

“Do Immigrants catch up economically?” 2002. Policy Options/ Options politiques. March, Vol. 22, 47-50. (with Wayne Simpson).

“Public Training Programs In Canada: A Meta-Evaluation” 2002. The Canadian Journal of Program Evaluation.  17 (1): 119-138.  (with Wayne Simpson)

“Disability Onsets among Aging Canadians: Evidence from Panel Data” 2002. Canadian Journal on Aging/ La Revue canadienne du vieillissement. Vol. 21, No. 1 (with Wayne Simpson)

“A Guaranteed Annual Income? Mincome to the Millennium”. 2001. Policy Options/ Options politiques, Vol. 22, No. 1, pp. 1-5. (with Wayne Simpson).

“Closing the Wage Gap: Economic Assimilation of Canadian Immigrants Reconsidered” 2000 Journal of International Migration and Integration. Vol.1, No. 4., 427-441. (with Wayne Simpson)

“Not all Visible Minorities face Labour Market Discrimination”. 2000. Policy Options/ Options politiques, Vol. 21, No.10, pp. 45-48. (with Wayne Simpson).

"The Relative Returns from Research and Teaching: A Market Perspective". 2000 Journal of Educational Administration and Foundations. Vol. 15, No. 1, 23-32.

"Reflections on Commercializing University Research". 2000 Canadian Journal of Higher Education / La Revue Canadienne d'Enseignement Supereur, Vol. XXX, No. 3.

"Wage Opportunities for Visible Minorities in Canada" 1999. Canadian Public Policy/Analyse de Politiques, Vol. XXV, No. 3. (with Wayne Simpson )

    [This article received the John Vanderkamp Prize for the best article published in Canadian Public Policy /Analyse de Politique during 1999.]

"Tenure, Faculty Contracts and Bargaining Conflict". 1998. Canadian Journal of Higher Education / La Revue Canadienne d'Enseignement Supereur, Vol. XXVIII, No. 2,3. Pp 47-70.

    [This article received the E.F. Sheffield Award of Excellence for the best article published in the Canadian Journal of Higher Education / La Revue Canadienne d'Enseignement Supereur during 1998.]

"Is Hypoinflation Good Policy?". 1998. Canadian Public Policy/Analyse de Politiques, Vol XXIV, No. 3 September, Pp. 291-308. (with Norman Cameron and Wayne Simpson)

"Canada's Backdoor Negative Income Tax". 1997. Citizen's Income Bulletin , No. 23, February

"Stylized Facts and Stylized Illusions: Inflation and Productivity Revisited". 1996. Canadian Journal of Economics / Revue canadienne d'Economique, Volume XXIX, No. 1, February (with N. Cameron and W. Simpson)

"Can Training Reduce Unemployment?". 1996. Policy Options, Vol. 17, No. 6, July/August, (with Wayne Simpson).

"Canadians with Disabilities and the Labour Market". 1996. Canadian Public Policy/Analyse de Politiques, Volume XXII, No. 3, September, 285- 299. (with Wayne Simpson)

"Can the Sufficient Conditions used to sign the Global Effect of Risk be used to sign the Marginal Effect of Risk?". 1995. Bulletin of Economic Research , October . (with W. Simpson and R. Sproule)

"Reducing spending and increasing equity: how far can refundible tax credits take us?". 1995. Canadian Public Administration /Administration publique du Canada , Volume 38, No. 4, Winter/Hiver (with Wayne Simpson)

"Graduated Work Incentives and How They Affect Marital Stability: the Canadian Evidence". 1995. Applied Economic Letters, Vol. 2, 367-371. (with Saud Choudhry)

"Labour Supply Estimation and Public Policy ". 1994. Journal of Economic Surveys, Volume 8, No. 1, Pp. 57-81.(with Wayne Simpson)

"Employment Equity and Persons with Disabilities: The Need for Separate Treatment". 1993. Policy Options , Vol. 14, No. 2, March (with Wayne Simpson)

"Economic Response to a Guaranteed Annual Income: Experience from Canada and the United States". 1993. Journal of Labor Economics, 11, no. 1, part 2, Pp. S263-96. (with Wayne Simpson)

"No Hope for Citizens Income in Canada?". 1993. Citizen's Income Bulletin No 16 July (with Wayne Simpson)

"Whatever Happened to CanadaÕs Guaranteed Income Project?". 1993. Canadian Public Administration /Administration publique du Canada , Vol 36, No 3, (Fall) 442-50 (with Wayne Simpson)

"Canada in the Global Village - Meeting the Post Staple Challenge". 1993. Zeitshrift fur Kanada-Studien 13. Jahrgang Nr. 1, Band 23 ( Keynote address delivered to the Annual Meeting of the Association for Canadian Studies in German Speaking Countries held at Grainau, Germany.)

"Demogrant Transfer in Canada and the Basic Income Standard". 1992. Basic Income Research Group Bulletin, No 15, July 1992. (with Wayne Simpson)

"Income, Work and Marital Dissolution: Canadian Experimental Evidence". 1992. Journal of Comparative Family Studies, Volume 23, No. 2, 249-65. (with Saud Choudhry)

"Reform Revisited: The 1990 Winnipeg Reassessment". 1991. Canadian Tax Journal, Vol 39, no. 5 (with J. Dean and H. Stevens)

"Resourcefulness, Not Resources: Canada must adapt to a global economy". 1990. Perception, Vol. 14, No. 1

"Regionalizing Interest Rates". 1990. Policy Options, July-August, Vol. 11, No. 6. (with N. Cameron)

"Improving Property Assessment: A Study of the Winnipeg Reassessment". 1989. Canadian Tax Journal. Vol 37, No. 1 (with J. Dean and H. Stevens)

"Fair Wages in the Republic: An Essay on Equal Pay Legislation for the Private Sector". 1988. Manitoba Law Journal , Vol. 16, No. 3.

"On Integrating Taxes and Transfers". 1988. Canadian Tax Journal, Vol. 36, No.3.

"Fiscal Transfers, Horizontal Equity and Post-Secondary Education". 1988. Canadian Journal of Higher Education/ La Revue Canadienne d'Enseignement Supereur, Vol. XVIII, No. 2 (with F. Strain)

"UISP and the Macdonald Commission: Reform and Restraint". February 1986. Canadian Public Policy/Analyse de Politiques, Special Supplement.

"Should Workshops Pay a Minimum Wage?". 1986. The Social Worker/Le Travailleur Social, Vol. 54, No. 2.

"Fiscal Imbalance and Winnipeg: A Century of Response". 1986. Urban History Review/Revue d'histoire Urbane, Vol. XV, No. 2. (with F. Strain and M. Strain)

"Contra Cooke - A Mixed Market Approach to Child Care". Nov 1986. Policy Options, Vol. 7, No. 7. (with H. Stevens) Reprinted 1987 in Doris Anderson (ed), Women and Public Policy, Halifax, Institute for Research on Public Policy.

"Baby Bonuses for Bank Presidents". 1985. Policy Options, Vol. 6, No. 2. Reprinted 1987 as "Universality Under Scrutiny", in G. Ruggerio (ed.), The Canadian Economy, Toronto, Gage.

"Missing Data Estimators in the General Linear Model: An Evaluation of Simulated Data as an Experimental Design". 1985. Communication in Statistics, Vol. B14, No. 2. (with A. Basilevsky, A. Anderson and D. Sabourin)

"Less Equal than Others". 1985. Policy Options, Vol. 6, No. 4. (with P. Thomas)

"Redistribution and Equalization Payments in a Federal State: A Social Welfare Approach". 1984. Western Economic Review, Vol. 3, No. 1. (with F. Strain)

"Variations in Work Incentive Plans: A Simulation of the Manitoba Case". 1984. Western Economic Review, Vol. 3, No. 1. (with W. Simpson)

"The Nature and Role of Social Services: An Economist's Perspective". 1984. The Social Worker/Le Travailleur Social, Vol. 52, No. 2.

"Universality and Restraint in Income Security". 1984. Western Economic Review, Vol. 3, No. 3.

"Stock Price Cycles and Portfolio Theory for the Trader". May/June 198l. Cycles, Vol. 32, No. 4.

"Canada's Administrative Experience with Negative Income Taxation". Spring 1981. Canadian Taxation, Vol. 3, No. 1.

"Beyond Mandatory Retirement". 1981. Canadian Dimension, Vol. 15, No. 7.

"Growth, Trade and Urban Development of Staples-Regions". 1981. Urban History Review/ Revue d'histoire Urbaine, Vol. X, No. 2. (with P. Phillips)

"The Manitoba White Paper on Tax Credit Reform: A Critique". Summer 1980. Canadian Taxation, Vol. 2, No. 2. (with H. Stevens)

"Do Minorities Participate in Canada's Old Age Security Programs: A Case Study of the Chinese". Autumn 1980. Canadian Public Policy/Analyse de Politiques, Vol. VI, No. 4. (with E. Chan)

"Karhunen-Loeve Analysis of Historical Time Series with an Application to Plantation Births in Jamaica". June 1979. Journal of the American Statistical Association, Vol. 74, No. 366. (with A. Basilevsky)

"Economic Activity and Cyclical Variation in Birthrates: Some New Evidence for Jamaica". 1978. Social and Economic Studies, Vol. 27, No. 2. (with A. Basilevsky)

"Plantations, Staple Exports and the Seasonality of Births in Jamaica: 1880-1938". March 1977. Social and Economic Studies, Vol. 26, No. 1. (with R. Lobdell and B. Spencer)

"Workload and Seasonal Variation in Birthrates Reconsidered". December 1977. American Anthropologist, Vol. 79, No. 4. (with B. Spencer)

"Workload and Seasonal Variation in Birthrates: Some International Comparisons". 1976. International Journal of Comparative Sociology, XVII, No. 1-2. (with B. Spencer)

"Spectral Analysis and the Study of Seasonal Fluctuations in Historical Demography". 1976. Journal of European Economic History, Vol. 6, No. 1. (with B. Spencer and P. Deprez)

"Decomposing Cyclical Patterns by the Method of Principal Components". Sept/Oct 1976. Cycles, Vol. XXVII, No. 7. (with A. Basilevsky)

"On the Determinants of Residential Property Values". Sept/Dec 1976. Plan Canada, Vol. 16, No. 4. (with M. Carvalho, K. Sahay and D. Falconer) Reprinted in Arbuckle, G. and H. Bartel (eds) Readings in Canadian Real Estate, 2nd edition, North York: Captus University Publications, 1992.

"Spectral Analysis to Characterize Seasonal Demographic Patterns". March 1975. Cycles, Vol. XXVI, No. 2. (With B. Spencer)

"Representative Democracy and Political Power: A Game Theory Calculation". September 1975. Signum, Vol. 2, No. 2-3.

"Monopolistic Pricing of Durable Goods: A Comment". December 1975. Economic Inquiry, Vol. XIII, No. 4.

"New Optimization Method is Highly Suitable for Chemical Engineering Applications". April 1967. Comment to Editor, Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, Vol. 45, No. 2. (With E. M. Tory)

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