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  1. Unit VI: Disorders of Elimination & Reproduction

  2. Lecture Outline

  3. Urinary Anatomy & Physiology

  4. Slide 4

  5. Slide 5

  6. Anatomy & Physiology

  7. "Golden Rules" of Urinary Dx's

  8. Serum Diagnostics

  9. Radiological Dx

  10. Urinary Tract Infections

  11. UTI continued

  12. Nursing Management of UTI

  13. Other conditions of UT infection/ inflammation (see text)

  14. Case Study #1

  15. Case #1 continued

  16. Cancer: Kidney & Bladder

  17. Bladder Ca

  18. Bladder Ca continued

  19. Renal and Ureteral Surgery

  20. Nephrectomy Post-op

  21. Urinary Diversion

  22. Male Genitourinary Conditions

  23. BPH continued

  24. BPH continued

  25. Nursing Management - BPH

  26. Nursing Management - BPH

  27. Cancer of the Prostate

  28. General Comments:

Last updated:
October 30, 2001 (Tuesday)

Created with Corel Presentations