Assignment 2
This assignment is worth 5% of the course grade.
Due Tue. Oct. 22.
1. (2 points) A map of a human gene is shown
below. The naturally-occurring gene, in a, has Matrix
Attachment Regions (MARs) on either side of the gene. When
transformed into Drosophila, this gene inserts into the
chromosomes and transcribes properly, as indicated by the fact
that the mRNA is detected in qPCR*. Recombinant genes were
created, in which an additional MAR was added. In b, a MAR
was inserted into the intron, and in c, a MAR was inserted
into an exon. These sequences were also transformed into Drosophila.
However, no mRNA transcripts for the b or c
construct were detectible. Explain this result. (P stands
for promoter. PCR primers are shown in solid arrows.)
(Hint: The answer has nothing to do with
RNA splicing (b) or interruption of the reading frame
during translation. (c). )
*qPCR - A method for detecting mRNA
transcripts for a specific gene, using carefully-controlled PCR
conditions that make it possible to quantify the relative
amounts of the transcript in an RNA sample.
2. (1 point) The following constructs were made, using either
human MARs or Drosophila MARs:
The expression of these recombinant
constructs in Drosophila is indicated at right. What do
these experiments tell you?
3. (2 points) So far, we haven't said
anything about whether the orientation of MARs is important. For
example, suppose that a MAR in the arbitrarily-chosen R (right)
orientation looked like this:
and in the L (left) orientation looked like:
Draw recombinant constructs, similar to 1. a above, that
would tell you whether the orientation of MARs is important.
Be complete, ie. make sure you have all constructs necessary to test
your hypothesis or hypotheses. You may ignore the trivial hypothesis
that assumes that orientation is unimportant, which predicts
expression with all constructs. If you assume that orientation does
make a difference, which constructs will show expression of the
gene, and which do not?
your assignment
- Use the template report file as2_report_template.docx
to answer the questions.
- Make sure your report includes your name, student number and
UM email address.
- Save your assignment report as a PDF file, and upload it to
the PLNT3140 UMLearn dropbox site in the Assignment 1 folder.
Files in word processing formats (.doc, .docx, .rtf, .odt) are NOT
Note on grading: In assigning a grade, some consideration
may be given to how the answer communicates your ideas. Keep in
mind the following:
- use of precise and appropriate biological terms
- organization of ideas in your answer, so that a clear chain of
logic is apparent. Formatting tools such as s subheadings or
bullet points help to show the reader the structure of your
- ambiguity - Try to read your answers from the viewpoint of
your reader. Are there several possible ways to interpret what
you have said?
- Feel free to use figures or tables in cases where they will be
useful get across your ideas.
Notes: If you have questions, it may help to send me a message at