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Manitoba Institutes
- AECL, Pinawa
- Atomic Energy of Canada, Whiteshell Laboratories in Pinawa is a well-known laboratory.
- Cardiovascular Sciences
- This site is associated with the University of Manitoba St. Boniface General Hospital Research Centre. The information provided is relevant to cardiovascular research. It also provides links to other Web sites.
- Delta Marsh
- This University of Manitoba Field Station is located in the largest pristine freshwater wetlands in North America. It is associated with the Faculty of Science.
- High Voltage & Power Transmission Research Laboratory
- This is a well-known laboratory at the University of Manitoba.
- Institute for Biodiagnostics
- This is a laboratory associated with the National Research Council.
Spinal Cord Research Centre
- Research is done by over ten researchers from five departments at the University of Manitoba.
- Telecommunications Research Laboratories TRLabs
- This lab is associated with the University of Manitoba St. It is dedicated to developments in networking, including compression of images, video, music and speech, as well as network measurement and management.
- Transport Engineering
- This University of Manitoba lab conducts research related to transportation.
- Warren Centre for Actuarial Studies & Research
- This centre is associated with the Faculty of Management, University of Manitoba.
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