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- .net Magazine
- The new directory to the electronic world
- Ad Nauseam
- A running (about every two weeks) commentary on the information society. By Jim Nelson.
- Adobe.mag (*)
- A semimonthly on-line magazine devoted to teaching people about online digital publishing and digital media. An excellent resource for graphic designers. The sister publication to Adobe Magazine, a bimonthly print magazine for owners of Adobe products.
- alphaWorks
- An on-line laboratory/e-zine where you can use next generation Internet technologies and help shape the future of the Net. This site grows each week as new technologies, stories, and interviews are added. (Magazines)
- Boardwatch
- Includes Web section and full text of *analog* magazine
- c|net
- A large site that keeps track of technology and computers with daily news feeds and perceptive articles about the Web and the Internet. c|net also has a TV show.
- ComputorEdge Online
- A free weekly publication on computers and the Web with feature stories, as well as regular columns.
- Computer-Mediated Communication Magazine
- About people, events, technology, public policy, culture, practices, research, and applications of computer-mediated communication. By John December of Web Unleashed fame.
- Cybernautics Digest
- Published articles that provide insightful analysis of important technologies and trends, with a special emphasis on converging information technologies. Summarizes what's being reported for those who are too busy to follow the literature. Has older issues of the analog version on-line.
- Cyberwire Dispatch (*)
- Award-winning journalist Brock Meeks writes this news service that
concentrates on hard news and issues relevant to Cyberspace. New articles appear about every two-three weeks.
- d.Comm
- On-line only e-zine that covers computer technology.
- Faulkner's cc:Browser
- A weekly on-line e-zine that provides insightful analysis of the computer
and communications industries. Regular features include: CyberScape, a
witty look at the news and gossip buzzing through cyberspace, NewsFlash,
a summation of the industries' biggest events, and A Look Inside, a
critical look under the hood of newly released hardware and software.
- HotWired
- Hip, current, the on-line version of their popular Wired magazine. Don't miss Webmonkey, where the geeks at HotWired share their secrets.
- Information Week
- "IW is a weekly newsmagazine for business and
technology managers with a print circulation of more than 325,000. This digital edition of IW is a multifaceted, open-ended information resource for managers using information technology (IT) to meet business goals."
- Inter@ctive Week
- "The Single Source." From Ziff-Davis Net
- Internet and Java Advisor
- Subscription-based monthly for designing, developing, deploying & managing Internet and Intranet Web Solutions.
- Internet Magazine
- Popular UK-based Internet zine with site reviews, news, and comprehensive UK providers list.
- Internet Systems
- "Internet Systems is a publication produced by DBMS magazine that focuses on the needs of IS technical managers and senior staff who deliver large-scale Internet-based, Internet-enabled, or intranet applications."
- Internet Underground
- "It's the content, stupid." Monthly overview of the underground Web. Has eclectic categories with reviews of sites, bandwidth will be of interest to webmasters.
- Internet User
- Internet tools reviewed.
- Internet Week
- "News and Analysis of Internet Business Opportunities." Weekly newsletter from Phillips Business Information, Inc..
- Internet World
- "The Magazine for Savvy Internet Users." One of the best monthly magazines devoted to the Internet.
- IX
- "Multiuser Multitasking Magazine." German web zine.
- Microsoft Interactive Developer
- Microsoft Web Builder
- Monthly journal for developers using Microsoft products to create and maintain content on the Internet. Lots of ActiveX information.
- The NandO Times
- "The premier free source of news, information on the Internet." Graphically stunning, well designed, with current news and photographs all on the front page.
- Navigate! (*)
- A monthly electronic publication dedicated to Netscape Navigator users and webmasters. Each issue features interviews, software, plug-in, and site reviews, and tips on Web
publishing. By Netscape Press and Ventana Communications Group.
- NCSA Access Online
- Web version of their excellent magazine
- NCT Web Magazine
- "Computer magazine aimed at small and home office users. In depth coverage of desktop publishing, graphics, CAD, fax, communications, electronic document preparation, multimedia. Online ads with online purchasing available. Over 700 pages of news and
reviews." Publishers of the Web Developer's Journal.
- The Net
- Monthly printed and on-line magazine about the Internet. Breezy style covers Web design issues, new software, books and more.
- Net Day (*)
- Daily Internet news and features area from Internet World.
- NetGuide
- "The No. 1 guide to everything on the Internet" News, views, Web views, and more. Webmasters, don't miss Tech Shop. From CMP Publications.
- Net Happenings
- Internet news in depth. From InterNIC.
- Netsurfer Digest
- Free e-zine delivered by e-mail and the Web
- Netsurfer Focus
- A more in-depth e-zine covering one topic per issue, a supplemental publication to Netsurfer Digest
- Netwatch
- "NetWatch is a focal point for the the identification of Net based enabling technologies. While focusing on audio, video and server technology, we will round out our presentation with marketing gems and editorial pieces which tie the picture together." Weekly, updated on Fridays, colorful graphics but chunky
- Net Watchers
- "A monthly e-zine of cyberlegal issues and events."
- Network Computing Online
- "Network Computing is a monthly print magazine that delivers technical, lab-based, real-world information for designing, building and managing enterprise-wide networks." Includes ISDN online, from CMP Publications
- Noteworthy
- A monthly E-Zine published by Pehrson-Webb Group. Contains on-line strategies, marketing ideas and hot spots on the Web for smart businesses.
- Off the 'Net (*)
- Monthly webmaster oriented e-zine written exclusively from Netscape Communications by Chris Tacy. News, views, and key software to download.
- Magazine
- A series of articles, book excerpts, and interviews with experts about the Internet, system administration, Unix, and programming.
From O'Reilly and Associates.
- The Scout Report (*)
- A weekly publication from Internic of new high quality Internet resources and network tools. Aimed primarily at educators and researchers the Scout Report is also a valuable resource for anyone interested in finding the best new sites quickly.
- The Sober Witness
- Designed to help you sort through the muck on the net, so that you may find the little gems of information that make it all worth while. Also, lots of HTML tips and tricks.
- Spectrum
- "The Journal of the Web Developers Virtual Library." A monthly e-zine for the serious web developer who wants to keep up with developments in web technology, e.g. browsers, servers, search engines, database gateways, and also wants to advance his/her expertise in HTML and CGI.
- Sunworld Online (*)
- A monthly magazine for the Sun community which includes regular Webmastering and Java columns.
- Tweak
- Cool e-zine with valuable articles on Web/Net technology and news.
- Upside
- This monthly print and on-line magazine provides readers with an unflinching insiders' view of the world's leading technology companies.
- Urban Desires
- Urban Desires is a magazine of metropolitan passions including technology. Sections include: The Written Word,
Food, Music, Tech/Toys, Sex, Performance, Style, Art and Travel.
- UnixWorld Online
- On-line magazine for Unix users, programmers, and system administrators.
- The Net
- <>
A monthly Internet magazine with a CD-ROM.
- The Web
- Bimonthly pub with features, news, and categoric site reviews.
- Web Developer
- A quarterly magazine for Web professionals. Written for programmers, Webmasters, network administrators, and other technically-oriented personnel responsible for developing and maintaining software, hardware, and security on the world's
leading Web sites and online services. From iWORLD.
- Web Digest for Marketers
- Executive summary of new web marketing sites, cleanly done.
- Web Informant
- Monthly guide for Web developers. By subscription, minimial info online.
- WebMaster (*)
- Your Resource For Doing Business on the Net. A twice monthly magazine for WebMasters.
- Web Review (*)
- "The World Behind The Web." A weekly zine with in-depth articles about the Web. Now features daily Web news. Innovative, intuitive interface with clean, fast-loading graphics.
- WebServer Magazine
- Designed for technical personnel involved in Web site administration and webmastering.
- Websight
- "Your TV Guide to the virtual web wilderness." On-line version of their magazine, includes condensed articles, and hotlists.
- WEBsmith
- Monthly how-to magazine for the web site developer and HTML author. First issue Jan. 1996 From SSC, the publishers of the Linux Journal.
- Webster Magazine
- Web Techniques
- <>
A monthly magazine dedicated to Web developers, with articles on how to design various components of a page, including graphics and maintenance.
- Web Times
- A weekly listing of live audio and video events on the Web.
- Web Tools Review
- An on-line journal for web developers
- Web Toolz
- A weekly zine with helpful articles, applications, and tools.
- Web Week (*)
- Weekly on-line and off magazine for Web Professionals. From iWORLD
- WideGuide
- Looking for resources on the Web? WideGuide is full of news, tips, and ideas about the utility of the Web.
- Word (*)
- One of the best-looking zines on the Web, with articles about popular culture and technology.
- The World Wide Web Weakly Weekly (W6)
- From the author of the acclaimed Wave of the Day site, Phillip Winn.
- WWWiz
- "Dedicated to Web Resources." Untangling the World Wide Web.
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