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- Theory
Application of Chaos Theory to Psychological Models
- Chaos theory offers a viable basis for improved understanding of human behavior, and provides achievable frameworks for potential identification, assessment and adustment of human behavior patterns.
Chaos Theory
- Overview with emphasis on thought processes over actual mathematical theory.
Cycle Expansions in Chaos
- Cycle expansions are used to compute the properties of chaotic systems. There's an introduction and a searchable database.
Generalized Logistic Equation
- y = a*x + b*x*(1-x), one of the simpler equations in chaos, is considered. Results and graphs are shown. Links to other references are provided.
Stochastic Resonance
- With info, bibliography and e-prints.
The Chaos Experience
- To explain, in simple terms, the basic principles behind chaos theory and to demonstrate their use in everyday life.
- Hardware and Software
The Chaos Network
Chua Sound Software
- Simulation software for the Chua oscillator.
- Books on Chaos
Review of Chaos Oriented Books
- Indeces
- NewsGroups
Usenet - sci.nonlinear
- More on Chaos
- Find More on Chaos
- Yahoo's search area under /Science/Chaos/.
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