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- Theory
Fractal Mind
- Simple tutorial on Mandelbrot and Julia sets. We also have a nice images gallery.
Fractals []
Fractals and scale - a tutorial
Mandelbrot, Julia, and Fractals
- Fractal Image Compression
Fractal Image Compression
- Yuval Fisher's site with bibliography, software, books, reprints, and other pointers.
Fractal Image Compression Bibliography
Bibliography by John Kominek
- Kominek's bibliography from Waterloo.
- Bibliography by Dietmar Saupe and Raouf Hamzaoui
- Saupe's bibliography from Germany.
- Bibliography with abstracts
- Saupe's bibliography with abstracts.
Fractal Image Compression @
- Yahoo's search area under /Computers_and_Internet/Software/
- Applications to Signal Processing
INRIA's Fractal Approaches in Signal Processing
- Contains demos plus softwares and publications on fractal approaches in signal processing. Developed by INRIA, France.
- Hardware and Software
Ansiman 1.2
- Allows you to create images of the Mandelbrot Set using color ANSI escape sequences.
- Fractal generator and shareware screensaver based on Hopalong and Gumowski/Mira attractors.
Mandelbrot/Julia Set Generator Program
- Download the fractal image creator, a user friendly program for everyone. Documentation is also available, including easy math and bibliography.
- Generates chaotic images reminiscent of Italian paperweights.
- Repositories of Images
Michael Taylor's Fractals
- Includes sci.fractals FAQ, a mirror of Frank Roussel's Fractal archive at CNAM (France) and Noel Giffin's Spanky Fractal Database (Canada).
- FAQs
Fractal Questions and Answers
- NewsGroups
Usenet -
Usenet - alt.fractals
Usenet - sci.fractals
- Books on Fractals
- Fractal Approaches in Signal Processing
- by Jacques Lévy Véhel.
In Fractal Geometry and Analysis,The Mandelbrot Festschrift, Curacao 1995, C.J.G. Evertsz, H.-O. Peitgen & R.F. Voss Editors, World Scientific, 1996.
Introduction to the Multifractal Analysis of Images
- by Jacques Lévy Véhel.
In Fractal Image Encoding and Analysis, Yuval Fisher Editor, Springer Verlag, 1996.
- More on Fractals
- Find More on Fractals
- Yahoo's search area under /Science/Mathematics/Fractals/.
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