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[] About UMARS

The University of Manitoba Amateur Radio Society (UMARS) is an organization for university students, staff technologists, faculty professors, and alumni interested in the world of amateur radio. The Society is dedicated to expanding the knowledge and experience base of its members and the community at large. UMARS also promotes social development and the sharing of resources through its well-equipped clubroom. We hope that this year's acitivities will be a success.

[] About This Site

The set of buttons on the left margin will take you to the appropriate topics. Important dates are listed under What's New. The mini portal at the bottom of this page provides useful information for new hams. The background colour of each link indicates either a safe local link (green), or an external link (purple) designated for a popup window. A map of this site is available through the "Site's Map" button in the left navigation column.

[UMARS Location]
eMail: UMARS Counsellor
Address: W. Kinsner, VE4WK
Dept. Electr. & Comp. Eng.
University of Manitoba
75A Chancellor's Circle
Winnipeg, MB R3T 5V6
Phone: (204) 474-6490
Fax: (204) 261-4639
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[Visit the RAC Web site]
We encourage all hams to become members of the Radio Amateurs of Canada (RAC) in order to know one another a bit better, and to help assure that our voice is heard in the government. RAC publishes an interesting technical and operations magazine.
Visit also the American Radio Relay League (ARRL) to see their massive publications.
Winnipeg Weather
Click for Winnipeg, Manitoba Forecast
Solar Radiation
& Other Data


If you wish to find more about Winnipeg's weather or the solar radiation (to calculate your potential DX QSOs), click on the corresponding above icons.

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