UMARS General Meeting
November 26, 1992

Executives Present: Harry Lobo, Tom Tessier, John Andrusiak, Michael Markmann, Paula Ehn

Meeting called to order at 5:33pm in 236-238 University Centre.

1. President's Address given by Harry Lobo

i. Harry Lobo introduced the present executives and welcomed all.
ii. The first edition of the UMARS news letter, written by Tom Tessier and layout by John Andrusiak, was distributed.
iii. On November 14, 1992, Dr. Kinsner conducted a "J-pole" antenna building seminar. Four J-poles were built and approximately 16 people participated.
iv. James Koh, SIGPAC Chairman, has still not made up a draft agreement as to our groups status.
v. It is still not known when renovations will take place. Have decided to just go ahead and plan activities and deal with renovations later.
vi. There will be no formal meetings or activities in the Month of December.
vii. There is a copy machine available in the Student Group Centre for copying UMARS related documents.

2. Tech Manager's Address given by Michael Markmann

i. The HF rig still needs the ALC meter fixed. It has been briefly looked at but problem has still not been found.
ii. In the spring, it is planned to go up to the roof of University Centre and try to fix the 2 meter beam's rotator.
iii. It is possible that a power supply will be built sometime next semester.
iv. January 21, 1992 was the date set for the UMARS open house. Volunteers will be needed.
v. Volunteers will be needed to submit articles for the next newsletter. It was agreed that articles can be submitted via e-mail to A deadline for submissions will be announced later.
vi. Mike offered his time to show unlicensed members how to use equipment and to operate equipment under his supervision to help encourage members to get licensed.
vii. A promotional pamphlet needs to be written and published. It will be distributed from the Student Group Centre and in January at Student Recruitment days if it is ready. This pamphlet will have a question and answers format that will help non- members find out what UMARS is all about. Eric von Graevenitz volunteered to write one.

3. Treasurer's Address given by John Andrusiak

i. From the course $800 was made with 16 people in the course. It was also noted that it is $50 for Dr. Kinsner's notes.
ii. No updates of the account can be made as of yet. A trip to the bank with Harry Lobo will be made soon so that cheque writing authority can be initiated. Then bills can be paid.

4. Fees to be paid

i. Manitoba Repeater Society (MRS) dues $30 for new member and $20 for each year there after.
ii. 73 Magazine subscription $29.
iii. Tom Tessier $13.05.
iv. GST on 1993 ARRL Handbook.

5. People in Charge

People appointed to positions in the last meeting were stated. Positions that appointments were made included Library Maintenance, Technical Maintenance, and Equipment and Supplies Reallocation (See minutes of last meeting on October 26, 1992).

6. Library

i. Library has been sorted and packed by Paula Ehn.
ii. It is presently closed but will be reopened after renovations.

7. Computer Account

i. It was found that on November 20, 1992 that someone had logged into the UMARS UNIX account but failed to log out. A non-member was kind enough to log it out after leaving a message in the account about how dangerous not logging out is.
ii. Harry Lobo will have a meeting with Kathy Norman regarding computer security in the UMARS UNIX account. Computer Services is concerned about 50+ people who are students and non-students having access to the University's Computer System through t he one account. A problem with the account could not be traced to a single person. It was suggested by Tom Tessier that security could be upheld if it is possible to give each person a shell inside the UNIX account. This would mean that each person c ould log onto the account but would only have read privileges until they logged into their personal shell. The idea will be looked into.

8. Unpaid Memberships

It was stated that there are only two unpaid members. But basically all are paid.

9. Other Business

i. It was bought up that Dr. Kinsner has donated a lot of time effort on behalf of UMARS. It was agreed that a plaque should be presented to Dr. Kinsner to show our appreciation for his efforts.
ii. Student Recruitment Days are being held on January 5, 6, and 7, 1993. Volunteers will be needed to man our table. A schedule for volunteer sign up will be posted in UMARS by January 4, 1993. Membership forms will be handed out to interested pa rties along with the promotional pamphlet if it is ready.
iii. Harry Lobo suggested that we should hold a Radio Day where licensed members operating the UMARS equipment and making contacts all day long.
iv. Tom Tessier suggested that Ramsey VHF-FM Transceiver Kits were about the cheapest way to get a 2-meter radio. These kits give you all the components necessary and a step by step description of how to put the radio together and the theory behin d the modules. Pamphlets were distributed.
v. It was noted that a Baycom TNC with software was bought for the club by Tom Tessier and can be purchased from him for $40.
vi. It was agreed that the next general meeting will be held on January 8, 1993.
vii. A T-shirt draw was held for a $1 an entry. All present entered. The T-shirt was awarded to Paula Ehn.

Meeting was adjourned at 6:30pm.


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