UMARS General Meeting
October 23, 1992

Present: Harry Lobo, Albert Schlick, Vern Jackson, Brent Goren, Michael Markmann, Paula Ehn

Meeting called to order at 1:45pm in 514 University Centre.


Official letter from James Koh, SIGPAC Chairman was received October 23, 1992. It stated that we could not get any SIGPAC minutes until their next meeting. However, he will answer any questions regarding the last meeting.

Paula was appointed to the position of Secretary for this meeting.

Motion was brought forward that Executive members will be removed from their positions if they miss two consecutive executive meetings. All present agreed.

It was also brought forward the idea of forming an advisor committee. This will consist of Albert Schlick, Brent Goren, Vern Jackson, Alex McIlraith and Dr. Withold Kinsner.

It is noted that Albert Schlick received his T-shirt which was won through the T-shirt draw.

A skeletal agenda for the next general meeting scheduled for November 26, 1992 is:

Need to discuss:

- Renovations
- An every day open house where volunteer hams are at UMARS for an hour at each day to answer questions and demonstrate equipment.
- Monthly/bi-monthly newsletter
- Promotional pamphlet to be available at Student Group Centre
- UNIX account
- Advisor committee

Albert Schlick will make 10 copies of SuperMorse on floppy disk. These will be available to UMARS members.

We split up the membership list amongst everyone present to call and inform members of the upcoming general meeting.

Methods of obtaining more funds were discussed. (Bingos, external funding, etc). The possibility of a Beer Bash at B-52's in conjunction with the IEEE Student Center was discussed.

We need to buy a 12V 20 amp DC power supply and a computer.

We need to talk to James Koh about our group status.

Meeting adjourned to James Koh's office at 101 University Centre.

Inquired about the group's status. James Koh stated that we were to forego any Service Group Application in favour of keeping our standard group status and the ability to keep 514b University Centre with emergency access to 514 and 514a University Centr e on the basis that we fulfill the required standard group status each year. (i.e. required paperwork and have at least 25 members.)

Meeting was adjourned at 3:30


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