Minutes of the UMARS Meeting
December 15, 1993

Executives Present: Tom Tessier, Michael Markmann, Paula Ehn

Meeting called to order at 6:00pm in 207 University Centre.

1. President's Address given by Tom Tessier

i. A letter will be written to Cory Pollock, the President of UMSU, formerly stating our problems with Brian Murata, the present Director of Student Services (DSS) and with past DSS's. Then UMARS representatives will go to the next student council meeting and try to bring the issue to an end there. Harry Lobo suggested that once again we seek service status.
ii. A proposal will be written up stating all costs involved in getting a phone line, and autopatch and 1 or 2 HT's. This proposal shall then be formally agreed upon at the next general meeting. Once approved by the club, a copy should be sent to any other parties who could benefit from the service such as the Campus Police, UMSU, the Arts council etc. This shall be done in the hopes of receiving some funding to cover some or all of the initial costs and maintenance of the system.
iii. The radio course will start in January. If Dr. Kinsner feels that he does not have the time or that there are not enough people enrolled in the course, UMARS members will teach the course.
iv. At the recent executive meeting an equipment lending policy was agreed upon. Any major equipment will not leave the club room unless the executives know and agree about it well ahead of time. Any valid concerns about the removal of equipment from the executive will cause it not to be removed. Upon approval, any equipment that is removed should be replaced by a note stating where and why the equipment was removed.

2. Vice-President's given by Patrick Wong


3. Secretary/Treasurer's Report given by Paula Ehn

i. As of the end of November the club had $731.15 in the bank plus a $20 petty cash is set up.
ii. With regard to memberships, we have 43 members at the moment of which 29 are licensed members and 14 unlicensed members. 31 are students, 8 alumni, 1 staff and 3 associate member.
iii. It was proposed that a minimum bank balance of $500 should be kept at all times for emergency purposes. If the bank balance must go below $500 it should be agreed upon by a formal vote at a general meeting. Tabled until next meeting.
iv. It was proposed that a limit of $50 on spending should be brought into place. If a purchase is less than the limit than only the executives should need to agree but a purchase over the limit should be agreed upon by a formal vote at the general meeting. All purchases should be brought to the attention of the executives. Tabled until next meeting.
v. Insurance was discussed and Arne Grimstrup stated that the University of Manitoba has a $5000 deductible, so any thefts, damage or other insurance claim that is below $5000 will be taken as a loss rather than having the equipment replaced. The club will look into purchasing equipment and liability insurance.

4. Technical Manager's Report given by Michael Markmann

i. The repeater is fully operational again. After a solder connection gave way, the repeater had reduced transmitting power. The problem was fixed and now the repeater is giving out a full 15 Watts.
ii. The dual bander seems to have problem with transmitter power also. It is presently giving out 15 Watts on high power instead of 25 Watts. The problem is being looked into.
iii. The 30 meter dipole is currently unusable for HF operation due to the fact that is being used for the club TV.
iv. An inventory list will be made and a copy placed in the UUMARS account as well as a copy being kept by Dr. Kinsner, Carol-Anne in the Student Group Centre and in the club room. Also a list will be made up and posted in the club to reflect who UMARS acquired the equipment.
v. If a club dissolves (SWL club) all equipment owned by the club becomes UMSU property and is put into storage. This is not acceptable should UMARS ever be dissolved. It was suggested that all equipment should be donated to a local ham club or another club on campus like IEEE. Tabled until next meeting.

Other Business

i. The UMARS Christmas party has been postponed until January and has turned into a Ren & Stimpy Fest. All pop and munchies will be supplied by the club.
ii. The internet gateway was discussed at length. A couple of local hams were invited to the meeting but with such short notice, could not make it. They will try to make it to the January meeting to discuss UMARS concerns and questions about the gateway.

Meeting was adjourned at 7:35pm.


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