UMARS General Meeting
February 10, 1993

Present: Harry Lobo, Michael Markmann, Tom Tessier, Dr. Withold Kinsner.

Meeting called to order at 5:33pm in 236-238 University Centre.

1. Minutes from last meeting where read.

2. President's Address given by Harry Lobo

i. The renovations might be starting during the break. Nothing else is known.
ii. The door combination needs to be changed to maintain security, especially with the new computer. Michael Markmann will change the combination sometime during the break. The new combination was picked.

3. Vice President's Address given by Tom Tessier

Tom Tessier has put out a newsletter with the new UMARS logo. Comments were made on the nice job. A discussion followed regarding forms of electronic distribution. E-mailing to the entire membership would be cumbersome and time consuming. The id ea of creating a new news group was brought forward. Eric von Graevenitz will talk to someone in Computer Services.

4. Treasurer's Report given by Paula Ehn

i. Paula Ehn was not able to attend but reports that we are in good financial health.
ii. The J-pole building seminar was a success. The proceeds were used beforehand to purchase a pipe cutter.

5. Tech Manager's Address given by Michael Markmann

i. The repeater is now fully operational thanks to the help of Wayne Schellekens. The discussion then turned to obtaining a phone and hooking up an auto patch. It was pointed out that problems may arise due to the digital nature of the phone netwo rk on campus. These will be addressed further when we get a phone line. Further discussion will take place with Bill Karle and Bill Coulborne about the phone.
ii. We are in need of various antenna coax connectors and other parts. $20 was approved for the purchase of these.

6. New Business

The Copy Centre provides a photocopy account. Harry motioned that we have one with the names of the executive only. After discussion this motion was passed.

7. Announcements

i. Several members have passed the exam for the Basic license. Congratulations to all.
ii. Harry Lobo announced that every Friday he would like to set up times for operation of the HF rig so that members and visitors could contact hams in their home countries.
iii. Tom Tessier has received information on Ramsey Kits. See him for details.
iv. Harry Lobo and Eric von Graevenitz would like help in preparing an information pamphlet on the club.
v. It was decided to hold meetings on every third Wednesday of the month.

Meeting was adjourned at 7:15pm.

Dr. Withold Kinsner gave a demonstration on packet following the meeting.

Last modified 11-09-95 by Paula Ehn

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