UMARS General Meeting
March 17, 1993
Present: Harry Lobo, Michael Markmann, Paula Ehn, Victor Lam, Bruce Haugh, Arne Grimstrup and Wayne Schellekens.
Meeting called to order at 6:13pm in 514b University Centre.
1. President's Address given by Harry Lobo
- i. Harry Lobo talked with Howard Amdahl about getting our computer connected to the ethernet on Campus. We will need external funding for such a hook-up. Our present computer does not even have a hard drive and may be difficult to use for such a purpose. Arne Grimstrup suggested that we should write Computer Services and see if they will donate one of their older machines which is presently unused to us on the basis that we maintain it. Harry Lobo said he would look into it.
- ii. The UMARS UNIX account has been removed by Computer Services.
- iii. The newsletter is still being worked on.
- v. It was agreed to hold a HAM PARTY!!!!. It will be on April 28, 1993 at UMARS, 514b University Centre. Details will be made available soon.
2. Treasurer's Address given by Paula Ehn
- Our bank balance at the end of February was just under $700. A ledger has been started to keep track of all financial transactions and is updated monthly.
3. Tech Manager's Address given by Michael Markmann
- i. The Heathkit Keyer is still in need of work and is being fixed by Wayne Schellekens. A new power supply was purchased for it.
- ii. Various cable connectors and adapters were purchased. This allowed Michael Markmann to replace his cables on the repeater with ones owned by UMARS. Also the two J-poles which were built at the last seminar can finally be wired and put up to replace the two 1/4 waves presently used for the repeater.
Meeting was adjourned at 6:26pm.
A presentation on "Repeaters and How to Use Them" was given by Wayne Schellekens following the meeting.
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