UMARS General Meeting
November 17, 1993

Present: Tom Tessier, Michael Markmann, Paula Ehn, Vern Jackson, Brent Goren, Craig Thomasson, Eun Ju Lee, Harry Lobo, Victor Lam, Mhamed Chari, Manoj Mittal.

Meeting called to order at 6:20pm in 236-238 University Centre.

1. President's Address given by Tom Tessier

Many executives and former executives appear in the list above because the Director of Student Services, Brian Murata, was to attend this meeting but did not show up. This was a last attempt on our part to finish the three year controversy between UMARS and UMSU. Many different ways of dealing with this on-going problem were discussed such as getting the Manitoban to run an article on our club's problems, going to the next council meeting and present our case, and even as drastic as tower chaining. Brent Goren suggested that a copy of the latest SIGPAC minutes should be obtained to see if UMARS has been discussed at all.
Tom Tessier made the motion to give the UMSU president, Cory Pollock, a two week notice to solve our problems. Motion was seconded and all agreed.

2. Vice-President's given by Patrick Wong


3. Secretary/Treasurer's Report given by Paula Ehn

i. As of the end of October the club had $556.65 in the bank plus a $20 petty cash set up. For the month we have had a total income of $171.56, have had general expenditures of $101.50 and spent $42.00 on hardware.
ii. With regard to memberships, we have 41 members at the moment of which 27 are licensed members and 14 unlicensed members. 31 are students, 8 alumni, 1 staff and 1 associate member.
iii. Raffle ticket sales are complete. We had a total of 200 tickets to sell and sold 148 of them. This means a profit of $148.00 for UMARS. We are still waiting for the cheque from the Canadian Diabetes Association to arrive in the mail and it should be here soon.
iv. At the flea market, $100.50 was made from selling old or surplus equipment and parts, a T-shirt was sold for $15.50 and 4 $5.00 memberships were taken. This brings the total made from the flea market to $136.00.

4. Technical Manager's Report given by Michael Markmann

i. The repeater is fully operational again with it's ID'er restored and all controller boards mounted in a card cage.
ii. The Muddy Waters Club has donated a 286 computer to UMARS. This computer includes a 30 megabytes hard drive, 640 kilobytes of RAM, 5 1/4 floppy drive all contained in a mini tower case, monochrome monitor and keyboard. Presently we have it set up for packet and to run SuperMorse and Traksat. All members are welcome to use it.

Other Business

i. Harry Lobo brought to our attention once again our lack of advertising in the Manitoban. An ad was to placed in the Manitoban each week to let members know the latest happens and future happenings in the club. Several people were assigned the task but none have as yet accomplished it. It should taken care of shortly.
ii. Harry Lobo also recognized the missed opportunities of having an HF qualified person available to make some contacts as many members gather at the club room around lunch time. This is not a problem that can be solved easily because the few members of the club who are qualified have heavy work loads or who can not make it out to the campus more often. Presently several members of the club are practicing Morse code to pass the 12 words per minute test and get on HF.
iii. Vern Jackson inquired about the insurance we have that should cover equipment and liability. At present we have none but will look into the possibility of getting it funded through UMSU. If it is not possible insure should bought and maintained by the club.
iv. Harry Lobo suggested that the December meeting be turned into a Christmas party. All agreed but since the next meeting is scheduled to take place right in the middle of final exams, it should be moved to either before or shortly after exams. Since the University closes up shortly after exams, the party should be held off campus. Locations and dates are being discussed.

Meeting was adjourned at 7:30pm.

Tom Tessier and Vern Jackson gave a presentation on amateur radio satellites. A demonstration was held at the club using Traksat on the computer and both rigs. There was not much success as most of the satellites passed over minutes before the demonstration started.


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