UMARS General Meeting
October 20, 1993

Executives Present: Tom Tessier, Patrick Wong, Michael Markmann, Paula Ehn.

Meeting called to order at 6:04pm in 236-238 University Centre.

1. President's Address Tom Tessier

i. The repeater is in need of upgrading. One thing that will be needed when an analog phone line is installed is an auto patch so that the club can go ahead and complete our offer to help out the campus police. This may not be accomplished for a y ear or so yet. As for the repeater getting upgraded by converting it to fit into a card cage, we hope it will be accomplished by January 31, 1994.
ii. Please let the executives know if there are any topics you would like to have presented at a meeting and we will do our best to find a speaker for it. All input is welcome.
iii. One thing being looked into is satellite communication equipment which can be used for single side band (SSB) on VHF and UHF.
iv. We are in need of a better computer with a hard drive and color capabilities so that can get faster performance with packet radio and be able to receive slow-scan TV and possibly transmit ATV.
v. We have enclosed a letter with our office space application form to UMSU stating once again the shelves that have been promised to us and pointing out what clauses in the application form which do not pertain to our club such as the new office k eys policy and room rotation scheme.
vi. We are going to try to publish a message about the club every week in the Manitoban relating information about when our next meeting will be, upcoming events of interest to club members and any HF contacts made recently.
vii. The Newsletter needs to be started again and it was recently found that it can be published through the Student Group Centre at minimal if no cost to the club. Patrick Wong has volunteered to help Tom with the newsletter.
viii. A new password has been put on the UUMARS UNIX account due to a recent closure of the account because of a crackable password. We have gotten the account back and are keeping a record of who has access to the account. If any one does not have their own account or wishes to use the UUMARS account please let us know and we will release the password to you.
ix. For information on amateur radio activities in Manitoba including our club, a good place to look if you have a UNIX account is the news group man.ham-radio. This news group was created by the club but has been used to post upcoming meetings, fox hunts, flea markets or just a place to ask questions concerning amateur radio and the various clubs in Manitoba.
x. The WARC semi-annual flea market is coming up on October 24, 1993 at Waiverly Heights Community Centre on Chancellor Drive from 9:00am to noon. UMARS has reserved a table and will be selling all unused or unuseful equipment as well as selling th e remainder of our T-shirts and raffle tickets. Eric von Graevenitz expressed IEEE's interest in sharing the table to sell a few items not needed. Arrangements will be made through Michael Markmann.

2. Vice-President's Speech Patrick Wong

Hours will be posted on the door for people who would like to see a demonstration of radio communications or inquire about club business. So far only Michael Markmann and Paula Ehn have posted hours. It would be nice to have someone who is qualified for HF communications to put down hours for 15 minutes to 1/2 hour each week.

3. Secretary/Treasurer's Report given by Paula Ehn

i. As of the end of September the club had approximately $550 in the bank plus a $20 petty cash set up.
ii. With regard to memberships, we have made a profit of $66 over what we would have made if we still charged $2 for any membership. With licensed members being more likely to use the equipment, it seemed appropriate to charge a $5 membership fee a nd unlicensed only $2.
iii. Raffle ticket sales are going fine. We have a total of 200 tickets to sell. We have so far sold approximately 100 already, we are well on our way to having them all sold by the deadline of November 1, 1993. November 1 is when the tickets and money received must be back to the Canadian Diabetes Association, so please return all booklets to me before that date. For every $2 ticket sold UMARS will gain a $1 profit.
iv. Although UMSU has not given us our shelves yet and the library is still boxed, it is now open for business again. All material must be signed out and can only be taken out for a maximum of 3 weeks. All new material such as the 73 magazine must remain in the club for a month before it may be taken out. When you bring any material back please sign it in and leave it under the mail basket and it will be put away for you.
v. All photos from the past that have been found in the club have been gathered and arranged in a photo album. These pictures include antenna raisings, tower collapses, field days, hamfests, club gatherings and raft races. All will be documented as soon as information on them becomes available. Also added to this collection are recent pictures of the open house last January and this summer's excursion to West Hawk Lake. These pictures will be taken to the flea market coming up and hopefully some of the undocumented pictures will be identified. Any one there who would like a copy of the older photos will sent a photocopy of any wished.

4. Technical Manager's Report given by Michael Markmann

i. The repeater is still operational but is lacking many things at the moment including an ID'er. This is due to all related circuit boards being converted to fit into a card cage for easy access and maintenance.
ii. 70 feet of coax was purchased at the recent Brandon Flea Market and will hopefully be used to move the repeater's receive antenna further up the tower.

Other Business

Craig Thomasson has been calling various places for information on boxes of chocolate almonds that UMARS could buy and sell for a profit. Eric von Graevenitz expressed IEEE's interest in splitting an order with UMARS so both clubs could benefit. All agreed. Craig still has to do some research but if all goes well you could see boxes being sold around campus by January.

Meeting was adjourned at 6:55pm.

Tom Tessier presented his slides of an Irish Amateur Radio Club who would like to twin with us.


Last modified 11-09-95 by Paula Ehn

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