Present: Tom Tessier, Patrick Wong, Michael Markmann, Paula Ehn, Craig Thomasson, Eun Ju Lee, Arne Grimstrup, Wayne Schellekens, Victor Lam, Bret Wiebe and Cam Pope.
Meeting called to order at 6:07pm in 234b Engineering.
Anne, a representative from the Peer Advisors, requested that all students present fill in a survey about our club's needs and concerns and about the Peer Advisors. All students present filled in the survey and the club meeting resumed at 6:30 pm.
An update of the Campus Crimewatch was given. To date the club has been promised a phone and the cost of one radio from UMSU. The work order for the phone has been processed and installation should be soon. Two hand- held radios with charging stands have been found at very reasonable prices. The Manitoba Repeater Society has offered one radio at the price of $100.00 and a second radio has been offered by Vern Jackson for the price of $200.00. Purchases will be made pending approval at the next general meeting. The Arts Student Council has promised $100.00 and will be picked up as soon as an appropriate time can be arranged with their Treasurer. Proposals have been submitted to the Engineering Student Council and Science Student Councils to try to raise $300.00 that is still needed for the project.
It was noted that the newspaper article that appeared in the Manitoban was essentially correct with it's view of the Campus Crimewatch Project but did have some minor discrepancies. For instance, members will not be in constant radio contact with the Campus Police as the article implied and we will not be using short wave radios.
An application for funding from the Engineering Endowment Fund has been submitted by Dr. Kinsner and requests $2000 to be used towards the purchase a new repeater.
The packet internet gateway is slowly being installed. At present, the computer is connected into the internet through the ethernet cable in the club room and the antenna that will be used has been installed on the tower. Some connectors are still needed and radio and TNC's still need to be installed. The gateway should be operational with the next two to three weeks. At present, Paula Ehn has root access to the gateway computer and is able to make user accounts for those who have amateur radio licenses and who wish to use the packet side of the gateway. A club account is being created that will allow club members to log onto the gateway computer and the ability to telnet to their own UNIX user accounts on ccu, ee, or cs. This account will only be used as a terminal to get to other UNIX accounts. FTPing to or from the gateway computer will not be permitted because of minimum storage space. But users will be able to read news and read mail through the telnet connection to their other UNIX accounts.
The radio course has presently about 16 people enrolled in it. This is smaller number than originally thought but others can still join the course for a $50 fee.
Shelving for the club's library of books and magazines has been postponed until next year. At that time it may be possible to locate the library in the adjacent room (514b U.C.) and be able to post library hours. This will only be possible if we share the room with other student groups but will allow for more room in our club room and easy access to the library.
On February 1, 1994 the club room door was found open at about 10:45pm by security. Please make sure that the door is locked if your the last one out and not just lightly closed. The combination of the door will be changed at the time of the next general meeting in March.
It has been suggested that a competition of sorts should be run over the summer break. This would be a competition similar to many others that are presently run on campus like the Mechanical Engineers Airplane competition. Any suggestions as to the topic will be considered. Wayne Schellekens has suggested that we could make have contestants try to raise on end of a dipole over a particular obstacle such as a building or tree or other structure as fast as possible and as accurately as possible. Such skills are needed for such events as field day.
Other Business
Meeting was adjourned at 7:13pm.
Presentation on fox hunting was given by Craig Thomasson.
Last modified 11-09-95 by Paula Ehn
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