UMARS General Meeting
January 19, 1994
Present: Tom Tessier, Patrick Wong, Michael Markmann, Paula Ehn, Gord Snarr, Craig Thomasson, Darwin O'Connor, Eun Ju Lee, Arne Grimstrup, Wayne Schellekens, Scott Balneaves, Doug Hawley, Greg Bergman, Eric Krievans, Phil Isaak, Ameen Subramaniam, Victor Lam, Herman Alagao, Bret Wiebe, Giselle Riegel, Dean Riegel and Karl Strieby.
Meeting called to order at 6:00pm in 207 University Centre.
1. President's Address given by Tom Tessier
- i. A letter of intent has been sent to Cory Pollock and Brian Murata stating the wish of the club to achieve service status based on our Campus Crimewatch Project with the Campus Police. Nothing has been heard of as of yet. It is also noted that a representative of the Campus Police has talked to UMSU about the project.
- ii. Communications for Celebrations has been offered to the Celebrations Committee. Communications has never been offered before or at least not for a very long time. As such, the committee can not find a valid use for our serves but would still like people to volunteer individually for various other tasks.
- iii. Dr. Kinsner was sick and unable to start the radio course. Tom has taught the first class and Dr. Kinsner will be back teaching as soon as possible.
2. Vice-President's given by Patrick Wong
- None.
3. Secretary/Treasurer's Report given by Paula Ehn
- i. As of the end of November the club had $710 in the bank plus a $20 petty cash is set up.
- ii. With regard to memberships, we have 50 members at the moment of which 33 are licensed members and 17 unlicensed members. 36 are students, 8 alumni, 1 staff and 5 associate members.
- iii. It was proposed that a minimum bank balance of $500 should be kept at all times for emergency purposes. If the bank balance must go below $500 it should be agreed upon by a formal vote at a general meeting. Motion was passed.
- iv. It was proposed that a limit of $50 on spending should be brought into place. If a purchase is less than the limit than only the executives should need to agree but a purchase over the limit should be agreed upon by a formal vote at the general meeting. All purchases should be brought to the attention of the executives. Motion was passed.
- v. Insurance was discussed. The University of Manitoba has a $5000 deductible, so any thefts, damage or other insurance claim that is below $5000 will be taken as a loss rather than having the equipment replaced. An inventory list is completed with only replacements costs of some equipment still outstanding. So far the total replacement cost is close to $12,000. Wayne Schellekens suggested that it should be looked into whether the insurance company works on replacement cost or depreciated cost. Tom will look into it.
4. Technical Manager's Report given by Michael Markmann
- i. Over the Christmas break Michael Markmann, Dean Riegel and Craig Thomasson have moved the receive antenna for the repeater to the top of the red and white tower. The transmit antenna is still at the lower end of the same tower. This has greatly improved the range of the repeater. However, there seems to still be problem with the audio levels on the repeater and some members have a tendency to drop out from time to time. There is also still a problem with filtering. The problems is being looked into.
- ii. A TNC switch box has been set up for the VHF/UHF rig. This will save wear and tear on the microphone connectors since this allows you to switch between digital and voice without undoing and doing up the connectors.
- ii. Michael Markmann was appointed as the club's liaison and has met with Constable Terry Krenz to work out the details of the Campus Crimewatch project. It is noted that there is a slight discrepancy between our view of the project and that of the Campus Police. Our view is that we will not be an extension of the student patrols. We will be the eyes and ears of the police only. In no way are we to involve ourselves in any incident noticed. Also only a maximum of approximately 2 hours will be spent on any given day on walking around the campus looking for a possible incident.
Other Business
- i. A Ren & Stimpy Fest will be held on Friday, February 4, 1994. All pop and munchies will be supplied by the club. Time and room will be announced shortly.
- ii. Tom has left a Ramsey Catalog at the club for any members to look at. If enough people decide to buy kits, a club discount can be arranged.
- iii. Dean Riegel gave a brief demonstration of the proper use of the newly purchased climbing harness. This harness should help ensure the safety of members climbing the tower(s).
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