UMARS General Meeting
June 15, 1994
Attendance: Tom Tessier VE4TRT, president, Patrick Wong VE4PHH, vice-present, Michael Markmann VE4MJM, technical manager, Bret Wiebe VE4GLV, Bruce Haugh VE4VFR, Craig Thomasson VE4CET, Gordon Snarr VE4GLS, Victor Lam VE4LAM, Wayne Schellekens VE4WTS
Meeting starts at 6:30pm CDT.
Paula Ehn VE4MHZ, an executive, could not be at this meeting.
- The minutes of the last meeting were not available at this point.
- We're officially 'in' for Disaster Plan on campus. Policy procedure manual announced, which will be in club room. Field Day will be a good practice. (3-page document distributed, also on email)
- Manitoba Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES). ARES was started by ARRL in USA. Now, it is in Canada too. ARES is run by volunteers for emergency, training, liason, Red Cross, etc. No membership fees. Jeff VE4MBQ, co-ordinator; his name also appears on the back of form. Need a passport photo for ID purpose. (Manitoba ARES forms are distributed for interested persons)
- We received a $450 cheque from UMSU; our proposal was approved. Paula generally organised the club stuffs; she is 'recognised' for her contributions.
- Last big thunderstorm damaged VHF rotator- need fixing. Other equipments were OK. Roof is cleaned up. Repeater is working. Went to Active for Autopatch chip, solder wire. Costs: $7
- Negotiate the price first with the local dealers. Also, seek donations. EE will give receipt for it, and we can use it on loan from EE tech shop.
- (enquired about DX wiring in the building, and future plan on satellite)
- (answered)
- Last Fox Hunt - Well done! Thank you to Wayne who organised it.
- More Fox Hunts:
- 1. Saturday 6pm SW corner of Kildonan Place by Sears - Mobile
- 2. Sunday 2pm Assiniboine Park parking lot between Conservatory and Pavillion - portable
- "UMARS Fox Hunts" (because most are UMARS members) are open to public and will enhance the club's profile.
- SpacePort Canada Churchill is rejuvinating to launch private satellites, baloons, etc. Philip McMaster is taking proposals for projects. He is interested in Fox Hunt to locate TX, downed baloon tracking, etc. Our modest capability might be good for them. Big companies such as Raytheon Engineers and Constructors, Richardson Greenshield are involved. Colour brochures are in club room for our perusal.
- Its great! Could lead to another level of co-operation in future.
- Our proposal:
- We have 52% engineering students (EE, CompE, ME, others), faculty, alumni. This co-op can become thesis projects, summer jobs. If (in)formal deal goes through, They'll be evaluating us. Its their opportunity to groom their future employees.
- Motion to put forth a proposal to SpacePort Canada that we are interested. (passed unanimously)
- will draft a proposal by next Saturday, Field Day. Geography Dept. Remote Sensing Study. David Moscroft wants to join us to pick up satellite weather.
- Are they interested in satellite only or radio too? Explain radio licensing to them to avoid frustration.
- We're in a flat land which allows us to do special modes of radio. wants SSB HF rig purchase - talk to Vern. Applications: meteor showers, CW, quick voice. 1990 Thesis "Spread Spectrum" by Nathan Jacob We got permission from him on use of it. Spread energy to wider band width and lower peak. Benefits: No interference. Easy to receive.
- Many people can use same channel using code/decode. Military, cellular phone, GPS satellite, etc. By 1990, 50MHz all mode allowed, as long as sequence, frequency announced public.
- Less than 1W can operate Spread Spectrum. (WTS:) in certain bands. UM has one such system in use now. Nathan J. is interested in our equipments. Costs: $112.70 (1990) for TX and RX. Thesis will be in club.
- Beneficial to club if Nathan J. becomes a member.
- Field Day Space Law, Geology, ? Nobody wants to talk about it to us. (Hind-sight PHH: We need to promote our good values to UM more) Arboretum (near stadium) - offered by Dept. of Plant Science. Special Function (green form) needs 7 signatures (got 6 now). Safety Office will provide Fire Extinguishers.
- wants Cherry Picker for antenna(s).
- discussed about: press release, publicity, media & school kids. signs If VE4WK (Dr. Kinsner) can demonstrate his suitcase packet station? guest book antennas, wires batteries, generators laptop computer (if Craig can graciously lend his??) power bar (electrical) gas tanks tents Washrooms? >NO BOOZE!
VE4PHH pat.
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