UMARS General Meeting
May 18, 1994

Present:Tom Tessier, Patrick Wing, Paula Ehn, Michael Markmann, Harry Lobo, Bruce Haugh, Victor Lam, and Bret Wiebe.

Meeting called to order at 6:06pm in 544 University Centre.

1. President's Address given by Tom Tessier

i. Field day permission has been elusive due to no one wanting to be the authorizing person. Permission is still being sought. If no permissions have been granted by the next meeting, field day will be held at Birds Hill Park.
ii. Nothing is new regarding the Campus Crimewatch. The training seminar has been postponed until late August or early September. Until then all participating members are encouraged to make casual walks around the campus and can still report any significant happenings to the Campus Police.
iii.Nothing more has been heard regarding the funding from the Engineering Endowment fund for a new repeater.

2. Vice-President's Report given by Patrick Wong


3. Technical Manager's Report given by Michael Markmann

i. The repeater was taken temporally off the air while a high SWR is being investigated.
ii. Recently, the gateway is causing interference with the club T.V. This problem is also being investigated.
iii.On Friday, May 20, 1994, all connections inside the club and on the roof will be checked for SWR and needed repairs will be assessed. Any help on Friday will be appreciated.
iv. All HF equipment is in fine working order.

4. Secretary/Treasurer's Report given by Paula Ehn

i. The club bank balance is at an all time low of $179 with income outstanding of $325 that is to come from UMSU from the club purchase of two hand-held transceivers. No expenses outstanding.
ii. The J-Pole seminar advertisement was forwarded to the Newscaster editor for inclusion in the May Newscaster. Since the editor misplaced the article it did not appear but will be included in the June edition.
iii.The radio course advertisement has been posted around the University and on the door of the club room. It has also been posted to various news groups on the UNIX computer system.

5. Other Business

i. A reminder that an End of Year Fox Hunting and Pizza Party will be held and all participant will be charged $10 fee to pay for the pizza and pop. It will take place on Sunday May 29, 1994 at 2:00pm on the University Campus and the rooms of 205-207 University Centre have been reserved from noon until midnight for that day.
ii. Gord Snarr, VE4GLS, has left several copies of Kenwood catalogs for members to look at and have a copy. These catalogs were supplied by Aerial Communications located in Morris Manitoba.
iii.Paula Ehn brought up the idea of having a car rally late in the September or early October to raise funds for the club. Paula Ehn and Wayne Schellekens would organize and run the event should enough support for the idea be indicated.

Meeting was adjourned at 6:35pm due to severe weather conditions and minor flooding of the club room.


Last modified 11-09-95 by Paula Ehn

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