UMARS General Meeting
November 16, 1994
Present:Craig Thomasson, Paula Ehn, Andy Minkevich, Harry Lobo, Bret Wiebe, Arne Grimstrup, Wayne Schellekens, Tom Tessier.
Meeting called to order at 6:07PM in 530 University Center.
- 1. President's address given by Craig Thomasson.
- i) Craig introduced himself to the club as the new president of UMARS for the 1994/95 school year. He mentioned something about being "railroaded" into the position, pun intended.
2. Vice-President's address given by Paula Ehn.
- None.
3. Secretary/Treasurer's report given by Andy Minkevich.
- i) Introduced himself as the new Treasurer/Secretary for UMARS for the 1994/95 school year.
- ii)It was mentioned that Bruce still owes the club $5.00 from the Fox Hunt pizza party.
iii) A financial report was given for the period of time since the last general meeting. The figures are as follows:
- Total disbursements = $835.42
- Total income = $309.96
- iv) It was reported that $280.81 of the total income was profit for the club from Dr. Kinsner's radio course.
4. Technical Manager's report given by Michael Markmann.
- None.
5. Committee reports.
- I) Campus crime watch by Tom Tessier.
- i) Just a reminder for everyone to put all of their hours into the Campus Crime Watch leadger before the end of the year.
- II) Akjuit Aerospace update by Tom Tessier.
- i) No progress in establishing UMARS as participants in their rocket launch program at Churchill. Having difficulty in making contact with their administration. Still working on it.
6. Other Business.
- I) New Purchases report by Craig Thomasson.
- i) UMARS now has a fully functional SWR meter. We also purchased 2 Baluns to replace our broken ones and a digital multimeter with the same specifications as mentioned at the last general meeting.
- II) SIGPAC notification explaination by Paula Ehn.
- i) The student group center has informed us that we are a "functioning student group" and that we get to keep our room. Paula is vague on whether "funtioning student group" means that UMARS is still classified as service status. She will get back to us on this.
- III) Antennas update by Paula Ehn.
- - Motioned that we should form an antenna committee to determine how we are going to set up our antennas with respect to band width. All present agreed. Motion passed.
- IV) Field Day 1995 by Craig Thomasson.
- - Craig suggested that the club appoint someone as a PR person so that the event would be better promoted to the media.
- - Also he mentioned that the club should start thinking about building attennas for the event.
- V) Repeater update by Tom Tessier.
- - No new progress on UMARS aquiring a new repeater. Tom was having difficulty in contacting Bill who is suppose to be handling it.
- VI) WWW site report by Tom Tessier.
- - Akjuit Aerospace's www site needs some work. REMCAN consulting is presently working on the problem.
- VII) Computer for the club room update by Tom Tessier.
- - Tom says that two older sun terminals are available and that he is working on aquiring one for the club.
7. New Business.
- I) Affiliation with Kenwood by Paula Ehn.
- - Paula informed the club that she is submitting photographs and info on UMARS to Kenwood Inc. so that we can get on their mailing list. This was a logical move because the majority of the club members own Kenwood radios.
- II) Arne Grimstrup motioned that a committee be formed studying the possibility of developing a high speed packet link of around 2MB. Motion was accepted by all. The motion carried.
8. Announcements.
- I) Brett Wiebe mentioned to all that next year will be the 125th Anniversary of Manitoba and that he was going to look into whether there were going to be any special events planned with WARC which UMARS may take part in.
- II) Andy Minkevich proudly reported that the Fox Hunt was a huge success. Nineteen members took part, there were three hunts, and pizza/movies afterwards.
- III) Andy Minkevich also informed the membership that Darwin O'Coonor donated a TV tuning kit to the club in exchange for pizza/movies at the fox hunt wind up. Bartering is alive and well in 1994. The club was very appreciative of this donation.
- IV) Paula mentioned that UMARS will have an open house Jan. 25, 1994 in the club room, 514-A university center. Tom was asked if he could be present to operate the HF rig. He graciously accepted.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:02PM.
Last modified 11-09-95 by Paula Ehn
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