UMARS General Meeting
September 21, 1994
Present: Tom Tessier, Patrick Wong, Paula Ehn, Craig Thomasson, Eric Krievans, Victor Lam, Harry Lobo, Bruce Haugh, Bret Wiebe, Bob Suen, Andy Minkevich, Darwin O'Connor, Gordon Snarr and Fernand Saurette.
Meeting called to order at 6:08pm in 530 University Centre.
1. President's Address given by Tom Tessier
- i. The Akjuit Aerospace Project is still being discussed with Akjuit. They want a proposal of what we can do for them and we are still trying to find out exactly what they expect of us. Bret Wiebe has been trying to get a radioson for the purpose of experimentation with weather balloons and tracking and retrieving of the equipment after the balloon has burst. Much discussion was centered around how much area would be needed to include in the search area and where the search area would be centered around.
- ii. We have new equipment for the repeater coming soon. This equipment will include a six cavity duplexer, transceiver, power supply and wiring harness. Dr. Kinsner is trying to wade through the red tape to get us the new equipment as soon as possible.
- iii. New office space has been applied for since all the new club equipment needs room to be useful and the boxed library should be reopened. Tom Tessier and Paula Ehn have written a Statement of Need for New Office Space and submitted this letter to UMSU along with the regular office space application form. Contained in this letter is the request for space in rooms 514B and 514C as well as our present room 514A.
2. Vice-President's Report given by Patrick Wong
- None.
3. Treasurer's Report given by Paula Ehn
- i. There are 16 people enrolled in the radio course this year. Dr. Kinsner has ordered study materials and the invoice for them should arrive sometime in December or January. Until then, the club has a bit of extra money in the bank but this should be saved to pay for the study materials.
- ii. Memberships are going strong this year. So far we have 35 members and still more to come. 16 of these are licensed and 16 more are in the radio course. This means that so far $118 has been collected in membership fees.
- iii. The bank account as of September 20, 1994 has $1539.58.
- iv. The J-pole building seminar is showing promise to be a big hit again this year. I have many inquires and at least 5 people wish to build at this point. The seminar will be on October 1, 1994 from 9:30am to 12:00 noon in room 566 Engineering. A j-pole can be built and taken home for $15. It costs nothing to go and listen. Dr. Kinsner will be teaching the course.
- v. The annual budget that is to be submitted to UMSU along with the Student Group Recognition Forms has been made up in draft form. It was passed around and it was agreed that the entry on Equipment maintenance and tool acquisition should be expanded to allow UMSU the choice of how the block funding received from them should be spent.
- vi. The annual paperwork is well underway. It should be completed and submitted by this Friday.
4. Technical Manager's Report given by Craig Thomasson, Paula Ehn, and Tom Tessier
- i. A list of items to purchase was read which included a VHF/UHF SWR meter, digital multimeter, drill bit set, two flashlights, rechargeable batteries with charger for flashlights, two baluns to replace the broken 30 meter and 160 meter baluns and various other required tools. Many of these will benefit the Campus crimewatch program so should be included in the budget has items to buy from grant money.
- ii. The VHF rotor and the HF rotor have been fixed but an all weather 8 pin connector should be purchased to replace the corroded 10 pin connector for the HF rotor control cable.
- iii. The autopatch has been acting funny and has recently just stopped functioning. The problem will be looked at.
- iv. A Tektronix 545B oscilloscope has been permanently loaned to the club from the Physics Department.
- v. Michael Markmann, VE4MJM has loaned the club for an undetermined amount of time a Heathkit umonic keyer.
- vi. An 11 piece screwdriver set has been given to the club from Eric Krievans, VE4IET.
- vii. A way should be found to reroute or change the existent 5 position antenna switch to accommodate the 2 HF transceivers and the SWL receiver. Possible another switch should be purchased for the purpose.
- viii. Cliff Packard from UMSU has requested that we fix they're TV antenna and supporting structure that was damaged last May in a severe storm. All agreed that if the fix is simple we should do it but if requires to much time and effort we should ask them to purchase a new antenna to replace the broken one and we would install it for them.
5. Campus Crimewatch report given by Craig Thomasson
- i. On September 2, 1994 the 8 members of the Campus Crimewatch attended a training seminar given by the Campus Police. Although the seminar was 3 hours in length, only about 15 minutes actually dealt with the Campus Crimewatch that our members would be participating in. The rest was for the benefit of the Safe Walk program. The seminar was taped in entirety and portions will be shown at a future meeting.
- ii. Constable Terry Krentz has recently released to us official rules and operating practices that should be under taken by the Campus crimewatch volunteers as they walk around the campus. This notice will be displayed at the club for all to read.
6. Other Business
- i. Paula Ehn attended the annual general meeting of RAC that was held this past summer in Calgary and voted on behalf of the club. Full meeting agendas and documentation of the event can be found in the club room for those who are interested.
- ii. It was noted that more publicity for the club would keep up our new club image and keep us fresh in the minds of the new UMSU council.
- iii. Paula Ehn has suggested the possibility of having a new batch of T-shirts and possible hats made up for members to purchase and to sell at a future flea market. The T-shirt would have the UMARS logo on the front and possibly a fox hunting cartoon on the back. The hats would have the UMARS logo on the front. The majority present said they would buy such a T-shirt from the club. Paula will look into the cost and design of the T-shirts and hats for final club approval.
- iv. A new door combination was agreed upon and Craig Thomasson will change it after the meeting has adjourned.
- v. Harry Lobo congratulated the present executive on the successful completion of a year of red tape, politics and paperwork which ultimately resulted in the group's promotion from Standard to Service Status and the successful beginning of the Campus Crimewatch project. All agreed.
- vi. The Annual Executive Elections were held with the following result:
- President - Craig Thomasson, VE4CET
- Vice-President - Paula Ehn, VE4MHZ
- Secretary/Treasurer - Patrick Wong, VE4PHH
- Technical Manager - Eric Krievans, VE4IET
- Congratulations the new executive.
- vii. Craig Thomasson announced his resignation of the campus Crimewatch Liaison position he previously held. A new liaison will be appointed at the next meeting.
- viii. A technical committee will also be chosen at the next meeting to help the new Technical Manager.
Meeting was adjourned at 8:21pm.
Tom Tessier invited all to come to his lab in 432 Engineering to discover the World Wide Web.
Last modified 11-09-95 by Paula Ehn
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