UMARS General Meeting
April 19, 1995

Present: Craig Thomasson, Paula Ehn, Andy Minkevich, Harry Lobo, Gord Snarr, Dennis Bosc, Arne Grimstrup, Remi Godin, Michael Markman, Patrick Wong, Tom Tessier, Victor Lam, Wayne Schellekens, Eric Krievans, Bruce Haugh.

Motion to start the general meeting by Wayne Schellekens. Seconded by Craig Thomasson. Meeting called to order at 6:10PM in room 236/238 University Center.


1. President's address given by Craig Thomasson.
2. Vice-President's address given by Paula Ehn.
3. Secretary/Treasurer's report given by Andy Minkevich.
Nothing new of significance. Bank account is in the black.
4. Technical Manager's report given by Eric Krievans.
Reports to the club that the volume on the autopatch was turned up.


I) Campus crime watch.
i) Just a reminder for everyone to log all of their hours into the Campus Crime Watch ledger.(Paula)
ii) We have the following emergency numbers on the autopatch.(Craig)
General emergency: 601
Campus Police : 600


I) Akjuit Aerospace update.
i) Tentative launch date is the 1st week of June 1995.(Tom)
ii) Ordered parts for the balloon project. We have the APRS software on the laptop and the basic stamp circuit.(Craig)
ii) Had to re-order the GPS unit because the one we ordered was inactive if the unit went above 30 000 ft. It is possible that we will be able to piggy back on the EOSS balloon which will solve a few legal and logistics problems.(Tom)


I) Field Day 1995 by Paula Ehn.
- Paula suggested that we need new antennas. Getting permissions is ongoing. Andy Pfieffer is very anxious and looking forwards to helping with the field day activities.
- Gord is lending us a generator.
- Wayne suggests to the club to get a solar trickle charger.
II) Repeater update by Paula Ehn.
- Prairie Communications did a great job on the repeater. The total bill for the work was $1680.00, which was much higher than expected. This may pose a problem.
- Andy volunteered to write a thank you note to Prairie if there were no problems with financing the repairs.
III) QSL Contest proposal by Harry Lobo.
- The card should be standard size ( 5.5" x 3.5" ).
- Limited to four colors
- Requires full address,which should be put on the back of the card so that there will be more room for the design.
- Will start the contest September 1995.
- Suggested prizes will be gift certificates from the U of M book store.


I) It was announced that Dr. Kinsner`s radio course will start in the third week of September. It was also suggested that a J-pole seminar could be run during Field Day.
II) The club is looking to aquire an antenna. Ideally, a 4 bay dipole co-linear antenna is what we want. Prairie Communications has a 2 Bay for $300 and a 4 Bay for $500. Wayne said that we should hold off on purchasing the Sinclair 4 bay, if we so decided to, because the price would go down towards the end of the summer. Paula made a motion that the purchase of the antenna will not cause the UMARS bank account to go below $500.00. The motion passed 16 for and 0 opposed.


i) Akjuit Aerospace is hiring.

A motion to adjourn the meeting was put forward by everyone. Seconded by everyone. The meeting was adjourned at 8:08PM.


Last modified 11-09-95 by Paula Ehn

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