UMARS General Meeting
August 16, 1995

Present: Craig Thomasson, Paula Ehn, Tom Tessier, Arne Grimstrup, Harry Lobo.

Meeting called to order at 6:40PM in 530 University Center.


1. President's address given by Craig Thomasson.
2. Vice-President's address given by Paula Ehn.
3. Secretary/Treasurer's report given by Andy Minkevich.
4. Technical Manager's report given by Eric Krievans.

2. Permanant Committee reports.

I) Campus crime watch by Tom Tessier.
It continues.

3. Special Committee Reports:

II) Akjuit Aerospace Balloon Project update by Tom Tessier.
i) Project is progressing. Launch date is set for Saturday, August 19, 1995 at 9:00am from area of Omand Creek Road and Brookside Blvd. Launch could be cancelled of postponed if winds don't blow our way.
2) Meeting with Air Trafic Control, Transport Canada and Environment Canada tomorrow at 10:00am on 10th floor of main Post office
3) Paula offered to announce the launch on the 2m net tomorrow night and post it to various newsgroups and on packet.

4. Old Business.

I) Have not been able to talk to the new Director of Internal Administration to find status on our Service Status Proposal. Executive will keep trying.

5. New Business.

I) A representative from the Black Hole Theatre stopped by the club to record some morse code to be used in an upcoming play. UMARS will get credit on any pamphlets for the play.
II) Radio course advertising has been on hold until Dr. Kinsner approves the date, time and location for the course.
III)J-pole Seminar is on hold for same reason as above.

Motion to adjourn the meeting by Arne and seconded by Harry. The meeting was adjourned at 7:23PM.


Last modified 11-09-95 by Paula Ehn

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