UMARS General Meeting
December 15, 1995
Present: Paula Ehn MHZ, Arne Grimstrup ARN, Remi Godin GOD, Craig Thomasson CET, Wayne Schellekens WTS, Dean Riegel EY, Giselle Riegel, Patrick Wong PHH, Michael Markmann MJM, Gord Snarr GLS, Rob Boux RRB, Larry Millette LAR, Deb Millette DEB, Dennis Bosc UK, Bret Wiebe GLV
Meeting started at 7:45 PM
President (Paula Ehn)
- -We got an Official Letter from UMSU stating that we have 514B BACK
- -Funding from Bristol Aerospace is not likely due to their budget cutbacks. This is so bad that our contact's job may lose his job.
- -Log your hours for the Campus Crime Watch
Vice President (Arne Grimstrup) -No Report
Secretary/Treasurer (Remi Godin)
- -Investing the Emergency fund isn't going to happen because the return rate on the investment isn't worth the trouble and when we have a balance above the $1000.00 we do not incur any service charges which can cost $0.60 a cheque and $0.95/month to update the Bank Book. Maybe when we have more ideal cash.
Technical Manager
- -VHF Rotator is now fully functional
- -100 M measuring tape was donated by Wayne
- -VE4YZ donated a 386 PC. It has no memory, no keyboard, no mouse. There is a VGA card. We could get a $85 monochrome monitor for the 386 PC
- -The club has obtained 2 power supplies: one +- 12 volts and one +- 5 volts.
- -The UMARS home Page is at
- -The UHF Repeater was sold before the club could purchase it.
Balloon project -No report
HDRP project
- -After carefully consideration we will purchase a Gapes modem
- -There are kits available for making Internet gateways which are easily obtainable
- -We can use the 386 we recently obtained
- -There will be a maximum of 11 nodes that will be served.
Old Business
Posters (Craig)
- -Due January 5th
- -We have a rough sketch that looks to be very good.
UTV (Michael)
- -We need more ideas for the script. Michael would also like some help.
- -Some ideas about the script was that we could open with some Morse code (Dark) then (Fade In) have some 40 meter radio chatter and some SSB, then some packet, ATV, Balloon projects, Internet related and then end with something like "More than just Morse code". State a fact like Amateur radio made the first Transatlantic communications.
- -Michael would like to show such things like Packet, Balloon project, ATV, etc basically the fun stuff of Amateur Radio.
- -Any Ideas please send them directly to Michael by e-mail. His address is
VHF Repeater Antenna
- -We have several antennas in mind that disserve to be looked at for consideration.
- -Dean will make a proposal for next meeting (January )and it will be voted on then. Any question contact Dean Riegel.
Field Day
- -Possible locations we are currently looking at are the old city dump, perhaps an office building, or some other public location.
New Business
- -A couple of funding possibilities are Bingo Bowling, Endowment Fund, Selling Items at the International Ham Festival.
- -Sell a Repeater Map visor. A coverage area of lower Manitoba, and a bit of the surrounding Provinces, and state.
- -Wayne will back about prices on printing and lamination.
VHF Contest
- -Starts January 20th and ends on the 21st.
- -Gord Snarr would like some operators for the contest.
- -Gord will bring his VHF rig.
- -Operators who have volunteered are: Paula, Dean, Craig, Arne, Gord
Open House
- -We will have our Open house on Wednesday,January 24.
Fox Hunt
- -This will be a practice hunt for recovery of the balloon.
- -There will be two hunts one for open field and the other in the bush.
- -This will happen on Saturday,January 13.
- -For more Information contact the club.
Motion to Adjourned the meeting by Arne, seconded by Craig.
Last modified 11-09-95 by Paula Ehn
Translation to XHTML by VE4WK: 2007 December 2