UMARS General Meeting
February 22, 1995

Present: Paula Ehn, Andy Minkevich, Harry Lobo, Jerrica Lin, Gord Snarr, Dennis Bosc, Jay Vanstone, Remi Godin, Michael Markman, Patrick Wong, Tom Tessier, Victor Lam.

Meeting called to order at 6:07PM in 530 University Center.


1. President's address given by Craig Thomasson.
Not present.
2. Vice-President's address given by Paula Ehn.
3. Secretary/Treasurer's report given by Andy Minkevich.
i) I will endeavor to contact everyone personally prior to the next meeting which is scheduled for March 15 at 6PM in room 530 UC.
ii) The strategy of using e - mail to contact members seems to have worked. I will continue with this practice.
iii)A financial report was given for the period of time since the last general meeting. The figures are as follows:
Total disbursements = $ 22.80
Total income = $ 17.00
iv) The club has received discount certificates from Kenwood for equipment purchases. All members are welcome to use them. They are in the club room.
4. Technical Manager's report given by Eric Krievans.
Not present.


I) Campus crime watch by Tom Tessier.
i) Just a reminder for everyone to put all of their hours into the Campus Crime Watch leadger before the end of the year.
ii) A year end report has been written and will be submitted.


I) Akjuit Aerospace update by Tom Tessier.
i) We met with Phillip McMaster, VP Communications of Akjuit Aerospace, and received a cheque to cover the costs of the high altitude balloon project, a joint effort between UMARS and Akjuit Aerospace. The basic principals of the project were explained to all present.
ii) We have been asked to help Akjuit set up a web page on the internet. Tom, Andy, and Victor have volunteered, time permitting.


I) SIGPAC and Student Group matters by Paula Ehn.
i) Paula, Craig, and Andy met with Mike Boyar, UMSU director of internal administration, Feb. 15 and made our concerns regarding service status and funding known. We feel that the meeting was positive and look forwards to the results. Paula submitted the GSA and special event proposals for additional funding.
II) Field Day 1995 by Paula Ehn.
- Paula suggested that we need new antennas.
III) Repeater update by Paula Ehn.
- IEEE has graciously donated four GE Exec II transcievers to UMARS; two base stations and two mobile. We can use these units for the repeater up-grade. Prairie Communications has agreed to do the work for us provided we give them one of the units as payment. In addition, Vern Jackson has agreed to purchase one of the mobile units.


I) QSL Contest proposal by Harry Lobo.
- Harry proposed a contest to design a new QSL card for UMARS. He suggested that it include anyone on campus who is interested. There will be prizes involved. Harry will get back to us on any new developments.
- A proposal to set up a committee to oversee this project was put forth. There 7 pros, 3 cons, the motion passed.


i) Austin Ham Fest reminder by Dennis Bosc.
- Dennis made a suggestion that UMARS become involved with this ham fest.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:15PM.


Last modified 11-09-95 by Paula Ehn

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