UMARS General Meeting
January 19, 1995
Attendance: Paula Ehn, Harry Lobo, Craig Thomason, Tom Tessier, Arne Grimstrup, Greg Speakman, Twong Phan, and Patrick.
Meeting called to order 6:06 pm.
Tom Tessier motions to start the meeting. Paula seconds the motion.
I. Executive Messages:
- President (Craig Thomason), extends x - mas greetings to all members.
- Vice Pres. (Paula Ehn), "hello".
- Sec./ Tres. (Andy Minkevich), UMSU cashed our $40 deposit on A/V rentals.
- Tech. Mgr. (Eric Krievans), not present.
II. Permanent Committees:
- Campus Crime Watch (Tom Tessier)
- -Terry (Campus police) wants us to submit the total hours that UMARS has volunteered for the program. Tom says that he will handle this.
- -Craig proposes logging in the hours on the computer.
- -Greg offers to provide the club with a shareware data base called Zephyr.
III. Special Committees:
- Akjuit Aerospace (Tom Tessier)
- -this company, which wants to make Churchill, Manitoba into a "polar spaceport", is interested in our clubs' proposal to launch weather balloons for them with the goal of obtaining telemetry data using GPS.
- -Tom sent in the proposal last Thursday and received a favorable response that afternoon.
- -UMARS has a meeting with Akjuit at 2PM Jan. 19, 1995. All interested members are encouraged to contact Tom.
IV. Old Business:
- >
- -Field day(Tom) - says we are ready.
- -Repeater(Tom)- repeater upgrade is badly needed. The $1000 grant is caught up in university red tape. The used $1700 repeater that UMARS wants to purchase is only worth $310 by the university. Therefore the proposal is officially dead. There might be another used repeater available in three weeks.
- -World Wide Web(Tom) - Akjuit site is added to the UMARS home page.
- -Open House(Craig)
- - reminder that it is all day Jan. 25 in our room. Tom volunteers to work the HF rig. Paula will get a sandwich board from the student group center.
V. New Business:
- -GSA proposal(Paula)
- - Tom has made a proposal to GSA for a grant of $400 on behalf of UMARS. Paula revised the original proposal which covers the purchase of flashlights, batteries, and a charger for the Campus Crime Watch program.
- -Club correspondence(Paula)
- - UMARS is now on the Kenwood mailing list.
- -Club computer(Paula)
- - Someone has filled the FTP directory with packet files. Since we have a very small hard drive the club can't afford the space for these files.
VI. UMSU fun!!!
- 1. (Paula) The student group center has failed for the second week in the row to include on of our articles in the Manitoban.
- 2. (Andy) UMSU has cashed in our $40 deposit reserved for A/V rentals.
- 3. (Craig) Inquired whether UMARS has service status. UMSU says no. No student group was given service status for 1994. But, this is incorrect because three groups have do have service status; UMREG, WOMYNS center, and one unknown group. Craig informs us that UMARS has had service status in the past. Michael Boyar (UMSU director of Internal Administration) was sent a memo regarding this discrepancy but so far no reply.
- 4. (Paula) Over x-mas break someone hit the panic button and brought the packet gateway down. Sgt. Doug Hawley(VE4KV) helped Paula get back into the University Center, which was closed, and reset the breaker. Paula put the gateway on a different circuit to avoid future incidences. Diane Linell (building manager) and Michael Boyar were sent memos regarding this incident. We are still awaiting their replies.
- 5. (Harry) Suggests that we move the panic button into our room. Tom informs the club that it would cost $500.
- 6. (Paula) The Japanese Animation Club, adjacent to our room, complained that their room was messy because of our members. In fact numerous UMARS members recall seeing UMSU members using the room for studying/lunch.
VII. Announcements:
- Welcome to the new members; Craig Speakman and Twong Phan.
Motion to end the meeting by Harry. Seconded by Arne.
End: 7:07 PM
Last modified 11-09-95 by Paula Ehn
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