UMARS General Meeting
March 15, 1995

Present: Paula Ehn, Andy Minkevich, Harry Lobo, V.K?, Gord Snarr, Bruce Haugh, Remi Godin, Criag Thomasson, M. Yunik, Patrick Wong, Tom Tessier, Victor Lam, Wayne Schellekens.

Meeting called to order at 6:10PM in 530 University Center.

Motion to accept the Feb 95 minutes rejected. Need two revisions;

1. Vern Jackson will purchase two of the transceivers instead of one.
2. Dennis Bosc offered to provide transport for interested members to the Austin Ham Fest for this summer.

Motion by Harry to accept. Seconded by Paula. Motion passed.


1. President's address given by Craig Thomasson.
Welcome. Congratulations to Professor Yunik on getting his ham license.
2. Vice-President's address given by Paula Ehn.
None. Informed us that Wayne returned the tower and the coax he borrowed for the dog sled races.
3. Secretary/Treasurer's report given by Andy Minkevich.
Happy to report that UMSU approved the $400.00 special events grant that Tom, Craig, and Paula made a proposal for. The cheque has been deposited in the UMARS account.
4. Technical Manager's report given by Eric Krievans.
Not present.


I) Campus crime watch by Tom Tessier.
The representative from the campus police was suppose to show up however he did not. We exceeded our 20 hours/wk committment to the project.


I) Akjuit Aerospace update by Tom Tessier.
There was a conflict with the handling of the cheque that was given to the club for the balloon project. After much work by Tom Tessier and Irene Hamel(Engineering Deans'Office) it was decided that Mr. Jones, finance officer for Akjuit, would handle the financial details of the balloon project. Unrelated to the balloon project Tom, Victor, and myself continue to work on setting up the homepage for Akjuit. The two URL's for the page are and, in the future,


I) SIGPAC and Student Group matters by Paula Ehn.
No decision on service status. Looking to next school year for block funding and status decisions. UMARS will start the 1995/96 school year as a standard status group.
II) Field Day 1995 by Paula Ehn.
No permission yet. We still have to build/get new antennas. We have 4 baluns available. Wayne suggests a to-do list. Tom suggests that antenna wire be bought.
III) Repeater update by Craig Thomasson.
Prairie Communications is as we speak working on the repeater for the club. They are tuning a 6 cavity duplexer, recrystallizing, and looking at the controller card. We expect the repeater will be ready in a week. He also mentions that the club should be looking for a new antenna, now that the special events grant is available, as specified in the proposal.
IV) QSL card design contest by Harry Lobo.
No new news. Decided to run it in September.


1. Paula Ehn bought four new maglites for the club using funds from the special events grant, as specified in the proposal.


i. Gordon Toole mentioned that the Yaesu HF rig that was lent to the club is being requested to be returned to the Tech. Shop. (Paula)
ii. Foxtrot comic with stereogram difficult to decipher due to the printing process.(Wayne)
iii. Need a SPICE program for the PC (Craig).



Motion to adjourn the meeting by Harry. Seconded by Remi. Motion passed. The meeting was adjourned at 7:00PM.


Last modified 11-09-95 by Paula Ehn

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