UMARS General Meeting
November 15, 1995

Attendance: Paula Ehn MHZ, Arne Grimstrup ARN, Victor Lam LAM, Dean Riegel EY, Giselle Riegel, Andy Minkevich, Bruce Haugh VFR, Craig Thomasson CET, Wayne Schellekens WTS, Roy Hiebert, Michael Markmann MJM, Tom Tessier TRT, Patrick Wong PHH


President (Paula Ehn)
- 43 members as of November 15, 1995
- New VE6 member

Vice-President (Arne Grimstrup)

- spoke to GSA president. He will read request and will get back to me.

Secretary/Treasurer (Remi Godin)-not present

- As of November 2, 1995 we have $1165.91
- I am still work on investment options for the Emergency fund

Technical Manager

- Built 30m antenna
- Talked with Prairie about service manual for repeater
- Prairie will install tone board for free


- Received video on TS-8705 HF Transceiver from KENWOOD
- Asked to fill in form with member info
- First 3000 get KENWOOD map


Campus CrimeWatch

- Please fill in hours

High Speed Digital Project

- New page on website
- Comments to Arne Grimstrup VE4ARN


- Progessing

Old Business:


- Service status still UNKNOWN

Posters/Pamphlet (Craig Thomasson)

- Craig has rough outline
- Someone required to do poster for student group center
- To be done January 5th, 1996

VHF Rotator (Craig Thomasson)

- not working
- Gordon Snarr promoting VHF Contest so VHF Rotator need to be fixed
- no date set. HOPEFULLY within next couple weeks

UTV Comercial (Michael Markmann)

- no set script, but have some ideas
- want to emphasize hands-on
- Andy Minkevich: emphasize Internet as well
- Paula Ehn: - possibly a series of commercials, target date for mid February
- Tom Tessier: funding from UMSU?


- purchased by Rob Boux for $25.

New Buisness:

Roof Access

- U of M PPEM policy changed. Now must have PPEM Engineer to allow people on the roof.

Web Page

- dumped to Paula Ehn's directory
- will move to
- ballon and library pages are not up to date

Backup Generator

- funding from EMO for our room. Maybe lever to get rooms back
- Conduit running from 514c to a small room off campo. Room to be used for backup generator

UHF Repeater (Michael Markmann)

- UHF repeater available for about $350 includes duplexors and 2 AT radios for linking
- Could be purchased by a group of members.

December Meeting

- which restaurant?
- December 16, 1995 proposed date at Dean and Giselle's
- 848 Southwood Avenue at 7pm. BYOB. Front door. RSVP Paula Ehn.

Grey Cup

- at Wayne's (4 Birch Place)
- 2 pm and/or later Sunday, November 19, 1995. BYOB

Repeater Antenna

- Dean Riegel proposes purchase of a Diamond antenna and coax at a cost of $400
- Dean Riegel to get prices for next meeting

Dog Races

- no dog races this year

Field Day

- we came in 16th in Canada
- sites: Seddons Corner, Old City Dump
- Volunteer to organize

Adjourn moved: Wayne Schellekens, second: Craig Thomasson. Carried


Last modified 11-09-95 by Paula Ehn

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