UMARS General Meeting
October 18, 1995

In attendance: Gord Snarr GLS, Patrick Wong PHH, Victor Lam LAM, Tom Rumbal, Todd Mryglod TJM, Cory Gunter-Smith, Bruce Haugh VFR, Michael Markmann MJM, Denis Bosc UK.

Meeting started at 6:00 pm on October 18, 1995

Current Membership to this date is 31.

1. Executive reports and Old Business:

President Report
- Radio Course: There is 2 students paying full price with recent books and 1 student paying half price and using older versions of the books. All the books being used are from past orders so we have no expenses with the Radio Course, just PROFIT.
- Repeater Antenna: Replace the antenna and the coax from the Club Room to the Antenna. This will be put on hold until spring when we have raised more money.
- Repeater: Wayne Schellekens discouvered that it would be possible to connect a battery supply for backup purposes and that tones can be put on the output of the repeater when a proper schematic for the radio has been found.
- Poster: The Student Group Centre wants all student groups to make a poster for advertisement of student groups to be hung in the Student Group Centre. No volunteers have come forward.
- Service Status: Umars still awaits word from UMSU about Service Status. If UMARS does get Service Status then we can use it as leverage to get more room.
- Constitution: Motion to Accept the Amendment to the Constituion - Michael Markmann MJM, seconded Gord Snarr GLS. Motion Carried.
Vice President Report
-J-Pole: So far 3 have been sold and 1 is still left. There was going to be another seminar scheleduled for November 11 but this date has obvious problems. A new date will be set By Dr. Kinsner for the spring.
Secretary/Treasurer Report
- Current Bank Balance: The bank balance is $1,263.38.
- UMSU funding: We recieved $400.00 from UMSU.
- Investments: We have $500.00 in the bank for emergency situations which we can invest but it has to be redemable at any time.

2. New Buisness:

- CJUM: Person in charge is John Green from South Winnipeg Tech. He wants the tower back but he does understand that it is possible for him and UMARS to coexist on the same tower (ex: CBC and VE4MAN). The owner of the tower is the University of Manit oba. He would have to pay $50,000 for use of the tower. He would get Doug Allen & Associates to check the tower and give UMARS a copy of the report. He wants room in University Centre but that happening is unlikely. He has about 9 months before he get s his license.
- UTV: It was suggested to make a commercial for the club and air it on UTV. We could have such things as baloon launch clips and field clips. Show that UMARS is more than talking on the radio for instance we do lots of hands on projects, Crime Watch , Help in the Dog Races and in the Terry Fox run. Michael Markmann volunteered to come with a script and more ideas.
Vice President
- Internet Access: High Speed Amateur Radio gateway access to the Internet and to have it support any ham intersted and UMARS members. Arne Grimpstrup ARN proposed to have a 576 omni-directional link. Motion to make it a new project with Arne As the head. Craig Thomasson CET - seconded by Paula Ehn MHZ. Motion Carried.
Past President
- Mast: Rob Boux looking to purchase a mast from UMARS.
- VHF Beam: Look to fix VHF beam rotator.

Meeting Adjourned at 6:50 pm.


Last modified 11-09-95 by Paula Ehn

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